CHAPTER 1: Meeting My Bæ

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Ever since my car crashed, I knew I needed insurance. But I didn't know which one to get. So I walked into the state of the farms. And there I saw HIM.. A drop-dead gorgeous man. He had blue eyes and surfer, bleached, blonde hair. I was so amused by his looks that Next thing you know... I bumped into him and made him drop everything he was holding. I was so embarrassed. I quickly apologized and was about to walk away when he put his hand on my shoulder. He said it was fine and told me that his name was Jikka. I slapped him in the face right away. Now you might think that's really mean but common, YOU KNOW IM NOT INTO JIKKAS! How could someone be so beautiful and have a poopy name like that!

I kept walking, you know, to get my insurance. And there I found a very ugly man. His hair was disgusting and greasy, his shirt had like two billion stains on it, and his teeth were extremely crooked. But then I looked at his name tag and there it was... His name was JAKE 😍😍. That is a haawt name! No matter how ugly he was, I was just so attracted  to him because of his name.

I went straight to him and then it happened. The moment I have been waiting for for my whole life. He said, "Hi, my name is Jake from State Farm."
____________________________________________________________Hey guys! Thanks for reading my story! I hope you like it so far and I will definitely keep updating it soon! Thanks so much and make sure to let me know what you think of it. 💕

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