How Did I End Up Here?

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We never think bad things are gonna happen to ourselves, until they do. I always thought I would live a long, wholesome life and die at the solid age of 98. I thought I would get married to a handsome man and become an amazing housewife, have 6 kids, buy a house in Idaho, grow a potato farm, and die happily when the time came. But apparently that's not the case.

How did I end up here? With my car filling up with water? With me drowning in my own tears? I thought life was supposed to get better. At least that's what they tell you. Why is this happening to me? I haven't even lived my life yet. There's so much I still want to do: visit European bathrooms, travel to Djibouti, and most importantly, find my true love.

Life is never fair. I mean, I somehow ended up with crazy parents who named me MUSHKA LIKE WHAT KIND OF NASTY NAME IS THAT. Moreover, I only have like two friends, no guy ever likes me, and now I'm drowning.

I can feel the water level hit the top of the car. My skin is turning purple. I can feel my heart rate slowing down. As I'm floating around in my car, I feel free for the first time in my life. Like a fish. No crazy parents, no boy drama, just me and this beautiful ocean I have created in my car. The water is so blue, just like Jikka's eyes. All my troubles are washed away, and the only thing I see is miles and miles of ocean. Ocean as pure and empty as my heart. Everything is turning into black. The darkness encompasses me as my body holds onto the last bit of oxygen.

How did I end up here?

All I wanted was insurance.


Teh End :)))))))

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2018 ⏰

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