Mice Make Great Drag Queens

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Storm & Hale

Chapter 15

Mice Make Great Drag Queens


Lorelei clambered out of bed and threw on a random dressing gown over her underwear.

"Stupid cold," Lorelei mumbled as she shuffled to the kitchen, "Stupid mornings. Stupid school. Stupid job."

She poured her cup of coffee and sat down on the lounge, turning the TV on.

'"Doctor Leah Hilliard is still missing and the police would like to urge anyone with information about her whereabouts to come forward,"' The news reporter had an absurdly bright coloured dress on for 6:00 am.

It had been a week since Lydia and Alison had dragged the confession out of Lorelei and they hadn't shut up about it since.

Whenever they saw her, they would start to brainstorm ridiculous ideas about how to get Lorelei and Derek together.

Alison was in favour of asking him out for coffee, and keeping it innocent.

Lydia wanted her to spray her perfume over the jacket he'd forgotten and leave it on his door step.

And Danny, yes they had told Danny, wanted her to go down in her underwear, give him his mail and walk off without another word.

Lorelei told them she didn't fancy any of their ideas, because she just wasn't interested, while her mind kept screaming for her to leap into his arms and kiss him like a horny frat boy.

Not that she would tell them that.

Today, Lorelei had opted to avoid Alison and Danny and wear something that Lydia would burn on sight.

So that's how she ended up wearing a studded leather vest, Doc. Martins, a batman skirt and backpack.


"What are you wearing!?" Lydia screeched, when Lorelei climbed out of her car.

"Oh, this little number? It's adorable isn't it, and oh so pop culture influenced," Lorelei saw Lydia flinch as she saw the Doc Martins.

"Okay, so I'm going to avoid you for the rest of the day, okay? Okay," Lydia spun on her heels and strutted away from Lorelei.


Walking into Math, Lorelei walked straight past Allison, scooted around Danny's desk and popped herself down between Isaac and Boyd.

Isaac looked up from the very detailed sketch of something that was definitely not school approved, and frowned when he saw Lorelei.

"While I'm always happy to see such a pretty face," He drawled out, closing his book, "I have to wonder if your sudden appearance here has anything to do with Alison and Danny's conversation they were having before you walked in."

"And what exactly was their conversation about, if you don't mind telling me?" Lorelei looked from Boyd to Isaac.

"Well I didn't catch everything," Isaac started looking very interested in his cuticles, "But I think I might have heard something about mail and perfume."

Lorelei's head snapped towards Isaac, eyes flicking over towards Alison and Danny before speaking.

"Was there anything else?"

"Well I think there was," Isaac said smirking, "But I might need something to refresh my memory."

Frown forming on her face Lorelei's hand started towards her bag, before Isaac spoke again.

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