The Guessing Game

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Storm & Hale

Episode 6, Chapter 12, The Guessing Game

After her phone call Lorelei walked straight to Isaacs's room.

"Isaac?" She nudged the door open and slowly started to walk around the room.

Both of the beds were dishevelled and one of the alarm clocks was smashed on the floor.

Lorelei knelt to pick up the pieces when she heard a whimper coming from under the bed. She crawled over and lifted up the sheet that fell down from the side of the bed.

"Isaac?" She saw Isaac curled up underneath the bed, whimpering and sobbing every now and then, "Come on buddy. Hop up."

Lorelei tried to persuade him out from underneath the bed for a few minutes before giving up.

"You're not making this easy for me buddy. I'll be back in a minute, don't go anywhere," Lorelei stood up and walked out of the room and skidded around the corner towards Stiles and Lydia.

"Lydia, I'm sorry look. I didn't mean that you're trying to kill people okay? I just meant that maybe, just maybe, you're involved in getting people to kill themselves, you know?" Lorelei walked up behind them and put her head right next to stiles'.

"Which now that you say it out, sounds way more terrible than it did in your head?" Stiles jumped about five feet in the air before cursing.

"Crap! Lorelei, what are you doing? You're meant to be looking for Isaac," Stiles turned and looked at her.

"I already found him," Lorelei replied smugly.

"How did yo-" Stiles was cut off by Lydia.

"Guys, do you hear that?" Lydia asked, stopping suddenly.

"Hear what?" Stiles asked.

Instead of responding, Lydia bent down towards the drain she was standing in front of.

"Lydia, what? What do you hear?" Stiles asked moving towards her slightly.

"A baby crying," Lorelei bent down next to Lydia and peered into the drain, "I hear… I hear water running."

Stiles moved closer towards them as Lydia pressed her ear against the grate.

"Oh my God! She's drowning the baby!" Lorelei bolted up, "Some ones drowning!"

Lorelei had been the first to start running, and even in her heels she still made it to Boyd and Isaacs room first.

"Help! It's Boyd, he's in the bath!" Lorelei yelled over her shoulder as she threw off her jacket and started trying to unplug the bath.

"He's blocked it. He blocked the drain himself," Lorelei said as the other two entered the room.

"What do we do?" Lydia asked.

"Here, help me," Stiles said, trying to pick up the safe.

Lorelei wiped her hands on her legs before trying to help them pick up the safe.

"Is he dead?" Lydia asked, "How long can someone last underwater?"

"The average person can last about 45 seconds, if you practice enough, or your like, a diver or whatever it raises to around 2 and half minutes but the world record is 9 minutes," Lorelei rambled on, still trying to lift the safe, "But he's a werewolf, so I'd say we have about two to three minutes."

"Great!" Stiles exclaimed stepping back from the safe, "Its br- Argh!"

Stiles jumped forward from the heater, and started looking backwards and forwards between it and Boyd.

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