Chapter 1

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"Hiro, where are you going?" A curious aunt Cass asked.

"Uh, just going to hang out at Fred's." I responded with a forced smile.

Of course, I felt bad that I had to lie. But to be totally honest, I knew that she wouldn't like my continuation of bot-fighting. Although I love aunt Cass, there's just some things that I need to keep a secret, even from her.

I wandered the streets of San Fransokyo, alone. I walked a few blocks, and came onto the very street where I fought Professor Callaghan. Soon, the nostalgia washed over me like a huge tsunami of tar. There was still rubble lying around. I thought of retrieving Abigail. I thought of the "original" Baymax. I thought of Wasabi, Honey Lemon, Fred, and... Gogo. It's been about 4 or 5 months since I last contacted anybody from the team. What were they doing? How are they getting along? Are they keeping contact? I reached in my leather jacket pocket for my phone. They were only a text away... Fred's humor... Wasabi's down-to-earth personality... Honey Lemon's joy... Go-Go's... b-bea... No. I can't talk to them. They would just get mad at me for bot fighting again. I slid my hand out of my jean pocket and reached into my jacket's pocket. I felt the bot and the remote, resting comfortably in my oversized pocket. I turned the corner and disappeared into the darkness.

The alleyway was so dark here, I almost ran into the steel door in front of me. I let a grin creep across my face. I was ready. I knocked on the door, and it opened. I slipped inside and shut the door behind me with a loud CLANK! The atmosphere was intense, and the spirits were high. I breathed in the dusty air; just like always, people were excited to be there. Viewers wearing leather jackets and black clothes chatted around. But the real action was in the center of the room. The brightest light in this room was shining in a perfect circle on the concrete floor, right over the bot battling. As I walked toward the center of the room, people moved out of the way and whispered my name. I didn't pretend to be "weak" and "helpless" before a bot battle anymore. The new observers and regular battlers alike knew my name. It spread like wildfire as I strode to the light. I let a signature smirk slide across my face as I felt a energized feeling electrify the atmosphere. These people knew me. They knew what I was capable of. I was probably one of the strongest bot fighters in San Fransokyo, despite being only 15. All around, I heard viewers whisper the same thing, over and over again.

"It's Hiro Hamada."

I sat down at one of the sides of the battle arena, and waited for the other battlers in front of me to finish yelling at each other to see who would get to battle me first. This wasn't anything out of the norm; a lot of people wanted to be the "amazing bot battler who took out Hiro Hamada" but I haven't lost a match yet, and I don't intend to. I re-adjusted my signature leather jacket and ran a few fingers through my hair as I waited for an opponent. Finally, a battler stepped up to the other side of the arena and placed his robot on the ground with a loud CLINK! It was a large bot, about the size of a frisbee. It was yellow and had a black stripe down the center, and it had 2 overlapping layers of armor, like a beetle. There was a spinning circular blade on the front, and it had little crevices by the wheels. Most importantly, it looked easy to beat. I accepted the challenge. I placed my usual robot in the ring, and my opposing battler's bot charged mine. A second before the blade touched my battle bot, it split into three and regrouped directly behind the opposing bot and started to attack. I heard the heavy breathing of the viewers, and I saw the beads of sweat that had started to form on my opponent's face. Some of the circuit boards were damaged and the bot started to spin in circles. He pounded on the controls, trying to regain control. Finally, my bot finished the other bot and the crowd that had gathered to watch cheered in my favor. I took in the positive energy and put the bot back in my pocket so I could walk around a little. As I walked, I got more glimpses from the people surrounding me. A few of the brave approached me to ask me questions about my bot or to give me approval of the battle, both of which I graciously responded to. But most of the people still moved out of my way and tried to avoid eye contact. To be honest, I didn't completely like the nervousness that some people felt around me. I didn't think I was that bad of a person; I was just a good bot fighter. But I wasn't going to let anything bring me down today. I planned on one thing, and one thing only. Once again, I stepped into the ring. I beat 4 more bots with ease, and with the battle limit per person being 5 per day, I decided to watch a little fighting before I went home. After cheering on 3 different battles, I decided to leave. As I turned toward the door, something caught my eye. A pop of color in a sea of black. I whipped my head to see what it was. My eyes grew so wide, they almost popped out of my skull. This battler was a fresh newcomer, yet she wore a new leather jacket. Probably only her third or fourth battle. She had a purple streak in her hair, and looked a little familiar...



"I can ask you the same thing. Go-Go, I didn't know that you bot fight!"

"Hey, are we gonna battle or what?" The opponent of Go-Go yelled, clearly annoyed.

"Yes. We are." Go-Go shot me a glance and placed her bot on the ground, as did her challenger. As they started to battle, I felt a tight knot twisting tighter and tighter in my stomach. At first, Go-Go's battle bot was losing horribly. Then, it started to go a little crazy on the other bot, attacking with tremendous power. Go-Go won, and she stepped out of the ring, victorious. She strode in even steps directly to me, as I turned and tried to get out of that room as fast as I could. However, she was way too fast and she caught me in about 3 seconds. She glared straight at me, as I looked down at my shoes, up to the ceiling, the people to my right and left, desperately trying to avoid eye contact. After 2 minutes, she finally spoke.

"Hiro Hamada, what the hell are you doing here? Is this why you haven't contacted us? Because you're bot fighting again?"

"...I'm good at it."

"I don't care if you're good at it! This isn't right, Hiro. It's illegal at least. Why are you doing this?"

I started to panic a little. You could cut through the tension and awkwardness between us.

"I think I could ask you the same question, Go-Go. What are you doing here?"

"I... uh... I remember that you used to fight, and you won a ton of money. You still do. And... I just wanted to know what it was like to have some extra spending money."

"Oh... but, Go-Go, there are better ways to earn money. Not illegally like this."

"Well, I'm sorry. I don't have a lot of options."

"There's always a better way."

"Then you obviously don't know me."


"Bye Hiro." She turned on her heels and strode away.

And that's how I lost Go-Go Tomago.

Cliffhanger for the end of the first chapter >:)
Will Hiro run after Go-Go? Will he leave her alone? Will he finally contact the team? Will these annoying questions ever stop? Read to find out.



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