Chapter 7

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I took a step into the corridor that the door led me to. My shoes made a gentle tap on the floor and Baymax's little leg stubs made a little scuffling noise as we walked down the hallway. The hall was brightly lit, and the walls were painted white and the floor was made of linoleum. It seemed very hospital-like, including the slight eerie feeling that you feel when you're in a room that is kept so white. Baymax seemed comfortable though. We kept walking down the corridor, following every turn. The place seemed to be getting creepier and creepier by the second. The only sound was our footsteps and the occasional checkup text alert from Honey Lemon. As we continued to walk, there was less and less of a sound coming from the floor, and even my communicator. Suddenly, I couldn't hear anything. Our footsteps were silent. We both stopped and quickly looked around the second that we realized that there was no longer any sound. I ran around, jumped and stomped on the ground, and tried to yell. I screamed so hard I had a coughing fit. Of course, that didn't make a sound either. The whole situation was getting to me quite fast. The endless corridors that seemed to lead to nowhere. The loss of hearing in this strange place. I sat down for a moment, and Baymax sat next to me. I leaned into him, and he wrapped his inflated arm around me. I had to admit, the hug made me feel less nervous. We sat for a while, and I scanned the room and sent a picture to Honey L. The picture was stuck in the 'sending' status for a while before it sent. Our communicator was almost dead. Great. Well, we weren't going to get anywhere by sitting and waiting for whatever to happen, so we kept walking. Finally, we got to another door. It was identical to the color of the walls, so it really did look like a dead end. All of a sudden, we heard a huge explosion- it took both Baymax and I to register what happened, because our hearing had returned, and the noise was so loud it almost made my ears bleed. Almost immediately, we saw perfect white chunks of ceiling and wall collapse- and then loads of gravel blocked out the lighting and the white. We were losing light and with every second, the collapsing ceiling got closer and closer to us.


I threw a disk at the door. Baymax tried to hug it. I tried to yank it open, and Baymax helped me. Suddenly, he started to rewire a small control panel way above the door. The wave of gravel was catching up to us fast.


I yelled as I felt the gravel rush up to my ankles. Then, as quickly as I knew it, a huge piece of ceiling barreled directly at my head- I looked up at Baymax, and said,


I blacked out as I felt the material on my head with a dull thud.

"Leiko Tanaka."

"Leiko Tanaka."

"Leiko Tanaka!"

My eyes burst open and I turned my body every to look around- but my body wasn't moving. I looked around with just my head. I was buried under tons of rubble. My body from the neck down felt nonexistent. I started to panic, as my vision blurred and came into focus over and over again. Soon, my vision cleared for good. I saw the team standing around me, trying to remove the tons of cement that was surely crushing me. Baymax was trying to scan the rest of me, but his scanners seemed to be failing. I tried to move, which resulted in a very painful knife slicing through my body. It happened so quickly; there was no feeling, then there was an intense feeling, then nothing again. All I want is to be free from this.



The team yelled the second I took another breath to form my next word. I was going to tell them to leave; it was obviously no use. There was simply so much concrete and rocks covering my body. I'm honestly surprised that I'm still alive right now. I must really be hanging in there.

A couple of hours later, I think, they're still working on the rocks covering my shattered body. It feels like a millennium.

About 10 hours later, they finally move the largest slab that's covering me. They look tired. As the feeling starts to return to my body, the pain only gets worse.

After 15 hours, they free my broken body. I can't move, and the pain that's coursing through my veins is utter anguish. I black out.

I wake up a week later, they tell me, in a hospital somewhere. The bright white everywhere burns holes deep in my eyes. I'm hooked up to tons of machines that start to beep. I'm also strapped down. Great. Somebody enters the room, either a nurse or a doctor, I can't tell. My eyesight is still hazy. They pull off the blanket that was covering my body. There are casts everywhere. The nurse or doctor removes me from all of the machines, but keeps me hooked up to a slow morphine drip. I must be seriously hurt. Soon, another nurse rushes up next to me and pushes the morphine next to me. They're rushing me somewhere. They push through doors and run me through twisting hallways that never seem to end. People's eyes grow wide as they see me. What do I look like? Finally, I'm pushed into a room with lots of lights concentrated into one specific place. There are tables with tools, and the room is completely spotless. They cut off my morphine and flip me over. I am wearing my hospital gown, but it's completely tied.They untie the back part, and stick another needle into me. They also place a mask over my mouth and nose. That's the last thing I remember before I completely go out, again.


Hey guys! Since it's summer, I'll be able to update like crazy now! I was also thinking about writing some Kuroken fanfiction- let me know what you guys think!! Btw- I don't know a lot about medicines and stuff, so if there are any preparation errors, or anything of that sort, please try and remember that I am not a doctor nor a nurse. <3



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