Chapter 3

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"Hiro? Are you in there? I need to talk to you!"


"Hiro, open the door! Or, we will have to open it for you!"

I burrowed my head under my pillow, pulled my sheets over my head and the pillow, and tried to block out the commotion that, who I assumed was Wasabi and Fred, was causing.

"Dang it, Hiro! We're coming in there!"

I rolled my eyes. There was no way they could get in here. I then continued to think about Go-Go. Her hair. Her detailed structure. Her strong build. I couldn't get her out of my head, no matter what I tried to do to distract myself. No amount of battle bot research could have distracted me from thinking about her.

The exasperated voice of Fred spoke.
"Hiro! Please, let us in! We need to talk to you about something important! You've been talking to the girls, why not us?"

"I'm not talking to you because you won't understand." I countered. I was starting to get annoyed.

"You know what? Fine. I'll just pull my own "Hiro Hamada" and be friends with you, have everything be fine, then ignore you for two weeks until you come to my door, trying to get me to talk to you. Later, Hiro." Surprisingly, this voice came from Wasabi. A small shock ran through my body as I had just processed what he said. I couldn't believe that he could have been so cold to be. But, however, a voice remained. It was Fred.

"Look, dude..." He started off with a shaky voice.

"I know things have been rough lately. Bot fighting is your happiness and your security. But, you can still come to any one of us, or the team as a whole. We were always a team. We always will be. But I know where you are... and how you feel. I remember... all I wanted was to become a superhero. But sadly, I'm just me. I truly believed that I was nothing special. I went through a pretty tough time based on that logic, Hiro. But you know something? You helped me through that. You made me a superhero. You made my dream come true, a dream that had been beckoning me for years. And I know that times are rough. But, you, of all people, can handle it. I know it, okay? You're the best friend any guy wishes he had. And you can always come to me... I don't know if you heard all that. Just... thank you for everything Hiro. Later man."

For a moment, I sat in disbelief. Then I ran to the door and flung it open, barely missing my nose. I ran out into the hallway and gave Fred a hug.

"Thanks Fred."

"No problem man. Thank you."

Short returning chapter :) So sorry for not updating! School sucks. :( But I'm happy to announce that i'll be working on this book a lot more, with faster updates coming up soon! thanks everyone for reading, don't forget to vote!



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