Chapter 8

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(Mood music for the chapter;
I Found- Amber Run
Forever and Always- Parachute
Not Like the Movies- Katy Perry
Hold On To Me (Cause I'm a Little Unsteady)- Hold On To Me(??)
Goner- Twenty One Pilots)


I sit in the lobby of the emergency room. The lights are gentle, the fluorescent bulbs that were burning have been turned off, and on went the gentle lights that allowed people to sleep overnight. I check my watch. 12:28 a.m.

Damn it. They told me that her operation would only last about 12 hours. it started at 7:00 a.m. What were they doing?

What were they doing to her?


Why was I being such an ass to her? Why? Go-Go could be irritating, of course. But so could everyone else, quite frankly. I looked over my shoulder. Hone, Fred, and Wasabi were sitting on chairs next to me. Honey's head was resting on Fred's shoulder, and Fred had his arm resting across her shoulder. She had tear stains on her shirt and a little bit of makeup under her eyes. Fred's hair was a little more tousled then usual. Wasabi had exceptionally dark circles under his eyes, and he was clenching his fists so tightly that it didn't look like he could feel them. Other then that, they looked like their normal selves. Me, on the other hand, I know I looked like a wreck. I ran a hand through my greasy hair, and tried not to breathe through my mouth. I felt awful, but felt extremely worse about the condition that Go-Go was in. I needed to stay here, clean hair or not. I needed to apologize. I don't know why. But I did. I didn't even know how I feel about her, and I'm already spending hours awake, waiting for even the smallest rumor that she's alive. I don't usually like being controlled by my feelings like this. But for some reason, it feels okay.

God. I just have to make sure she's okay.

Please be okay, Leiko Tanaka.

I lifted my hands to my face and rubbed my eyes. After I opened them slowly, I realized that the florescent lights were on again. The lights were  blinding to someone who just woke up.

"Good morning, Hiro." Said Honey Lemon. She looked tired and worn out. Her long, golden hair was getting tangled at the ends and was starting to get matted, making the color appear very dull. More tear stains showed on the collar of her shirt. She was holding 2 foam cups, the very generic kind. She handed one to me. Inside was some black coffee. I could see my reflection in it.

"Thank you Honey. I appreciate it."
"No problem."

Even though I usually don't drink coffee, I chugged it. I needed something to get me through the day before the fatigue hit.

"How are you doing, Hiro?" Honey Lemon asked, with lots of concern in her voice.

"I'm just trying to make it through today without self destructing." I said with a playful hint in my voice. I didn't want to make Honey more upset. Go-Go is her best friend, and although Honey L. is as tough as nails, these kind of things really made her upset. She has every right to be crying. However, to my surprise, I managed to get a smile out of her.

"How are you, Honey?" I inquired.
"Oh! Well, I haven't been my totally normal self. I'm just really really hoping that Go-Go is okay."

"Me too Honey." I stood up, and have her a hug.

"I'm sorry for how I've been acting. I don't know. I feel like I'm just trying to push you guys away. I don't even know why. I'm so so sorry. I promise that I'm gonna stay with you guys for as long as I can."
Honey stepped back and exclaimed,
"Awww, Hiro, we love you!!"
Fred ran up to me with a couple tears in his eyes, and pulled me into a tight hug.

I laughed and pushed Fred off, and he gave a chuckle as he realized that I had relaxed a little. Wasabi came up to me and patted my head playfully. I hated it, but it was our thing. He loved to tease me about my height, but it was okay. We all sat down, coffees and teas in hand, and started to talk. We talked about new ideas of inventions for the team, friends outside the team, and about everything in between. After a couple hours, a nurse, whom also had dark blue bags under his eyes, came out to talk to us.

"Hi! Are you Leiko Tanaka's family?" He inquired. Wasabi spoke up.
"No, but we might as well be. We are her closest friends. How is she doing?"

The nurse gave a little smile at Wasabi's answer, but it quickly faded.

"The situation right now can basically be described as 'touch and go'. Her surgery failed, so we had to complete the operation in a while different style. It just finished about 2 hours ago, and we are trying to see if her body is taking to the reconstruction in her spine and kidneys. The first major test we did showed that everything was normal. However, the second test wasn't so clear. We are going to have to wait for her to wake up from the anesthesia to confirm, but unfortunately, we have to assume the worst. We are treating her as the second test results show. There will likely be another nurse explaining to you how she is going in an hour or so. Thank you for waiting." He left, leaving us speechless.

I wanted to run after him, ask him what would happen if she was in the worse condition that the test had  anticipated.
But I didn't.
I don't know why.
I just stood there, paralyzed.
What would I do without Go-Go Tomago?

I don't think I like her. I think I love her. I'm just too scared to confuse my longing of something real with love.

Hiya! Getting into some emotions here. ;) Don't worry guys, we'll get into this a little deeper in the next chapter! I hope you guys enjoy; and yes, we've got some good stuff coming up. Comment ideas below!! Thanks you all for reading!! I love you all so much ok



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