Chapter 5

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Wow. I'm actually stargazing with Hiro Hamada. This is bizarre.

What happened?

How did we end up here?

I looked up at Hiro, and there he was, starting up at the stars with the most serious face I've ever seen on him. He felt my head shift, so he looked down at me and smiled.

Where did the gap in his teeth go?

Wow. It's gone. I guess that I've missed a lot lately.

I wonder what else I've missed...

I couldn't resist looking up at his face one more time. His serious face turned a little younger. He looked content; he looked serene. Resistance was futile at this point.

I snuggled into his chest as he wrapped his right arm snugly around my shoulders, and my right hand was right below my head, on his chest. I could hear his heart beat rapidly. I was so puzzled that I could actually make a person feel that romantic feeling that was stirring around in my chest. I looked up at him, and he planted a soft kiss on my cheek. God, he was making this so difficult. I closed my eyes and breathed in his smell. I felt my head move down slowly, a little closer to his heart. As I shifted myself, he shifted as well, wrapping me up with his arms a little closer.

I glanced up at Honey Lemon, who was also lying closely to Fred, and she smiled at me and I smiled back. I turned my head back to rest on his chest, and he kissed the top left corner of my forehead. I felt as if every kiss he planted on my head, it was bringing me one step closer to losing it. And yes, I know what you're thinking. No. Did I mention that I'm asexual? As in, I don't experience sexual attraction? Well, surprise.

However, I felt as if every kiss he planted on my head brought me one step closer to tilting my head up and kissing the hell out of him. But I resisted, even though he was so adorable... no.

I don't know how to kiss. I wanted more then anything to know in that moment, there's nothing else I'd rather be doing. I wanted to kiss the f**k outta him. But I couldn't.

Would he care...?

I hope he doesn't care. Because i'm going to do it.

I finally sat up a little, and he sat up as well.

"Go-Go, is everything okay?" Hiro asked with a little bit of concern in his voice.

I looked down, pushed a thick lock of hair behind my ear and leaned close to him... very close... and I kissed him.

I was afraid of making mistakes, but now, I feel free. I feel like mistakes are okay. And I was afraid of not knowing what to do, but now my lips were moving in sync with Hiro's, like they were meant to do this, like my lips have spent a past lifetime kissing his. And to be totally honest, I had no idea where these earnest, raw emotions were coming from. They were bubbling over like water coming to a boil. As our lips danced, Hiro put on a little more pressure.

I felt a strong stirring sensation in the pit of my stomach. If this is what a first kiss felt like, then I understand what all the excitement is about. To be totally honest, though... this feels a lot more than just some first kiss excitement. It feels like... oh, nevermind. I really need to let my emotions simmer down. It doesn't mean anything. It was just a kiss.

When he sat back, I realized that my heartbeat had quickened, and it was still rising exponentially. I let my head fall forward, and my bangs covered the vision of the heavily-breathing Hiro in front of me. I felt ashamed and scared for some reason. I could only imagine how bad of a kisser I was. And how weak I must have seemed. And how submissive I must have seemed. I felt weak, and there is nothing I hate more than feeling weak. These thoughts rushed around inside my head at one million miles per hour. I almost didn't notice when Hiro pushed my bangs aside and placed his hand gently on my chin. He lifted my mouth to his and pulled me into another deep kiss. As cute as this was, It was getting a teeny bit too sappy for me. After this last kiss, I sat back and just smiled.

"So how was I?" I said somewhat confidently with a smirk.

Hiro smiled back in the absolute cutest way possible.

"You were amazing, Leiko Tanaka."

My smirk went to a slight, teasing frown.

"Don't call me that."

"Oh come on Lei!"

I laughed and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, fine."

We both laughed and I shook my head at Hiro while he smiled at me. He seemed very amused by my annoyance.


"Why are you smiling at me when I'm annoyed? Is it amusing to you?" I asked him with a slight smirk.

"Yes. It pretty much is."

I was honestly taken aback on how blatant he was with admitting that.

It was also pretty cute.

I looked back at him, and in a moment my eyes met his. I felt my heart swell in adoration upon looking at him. He seemed very perfect to me, which was strange and wonderful.

I smiled again, getting lost in my happy thoughts of him. I was about to lean in for the last time, until my phone rang with a text. It was an update from my database; some new reports from the vibrations coming from the ground of San Fransokyo. I opened the message, and the database explained something... peculiar... cracks were forming in the cement. The deepest one was 5 feet deep, and they were growing at an alarming rate. We needed to get down there as fast as possible. I stood up lightning quick and got the team ready for the mission. Everyone seemed excited and ready for the mission... except Hiro. He seemed... out of it. He seemed upset in a way. I couldn't explain it but I didn't like it. So, I decided to actually talk to him.



I was taken aback with his direct response.

"What's wrong Hiro."

"Nothing Go-Go. It's fine, okay?"

I rolled my eyes, knowing that everything wasn't okay. But unfortunately, I had to pretend that it was. I didn't have time for this, but I prayed that I did. His sudden change in emotions actually hurt a little. But there was no way that I would ever let him know. I let a chilling wave of ice water wash back over me, bringing me completely to reality and revitalizing my senses. The only way to fight his ice is to retaliate with colder ice.

"Fine." I said with the coldest expression that I could muster. I walked right past Hiro, with my head held high. I needed to assemble the team.

In Hiro's absence, I took responsibility for the team.

In Hiro's absence, I took control of technology.

In Hiro's absence, I became the leader of Big Hero 6.

I didn't need Hiro's drama right now. I had better things to do. Big Hero 6 is worth so much more then my stupid little crush.


Hello everybody! I'm very excited to be writing again. This break was much needed, now I'm fresh and ready to type! But anyway... Hiro and Go-Go are back at it again. How long will it take for one of them to apologize? What if neither person does? What will happen to the relationship then...? Can't wait to update! Don't forget to like, comment, and vote if you enjoyed the chapter/want more! Thank you so much, I hope you're having a happy holiday!



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