Twelve - Everyone ft. Puffleluver14950, Pineapple, Nico di Angelo

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Crimson: *eagle screeching* WE'RE BAAAAAAACK!!!

Dragon: We would have posted this dare an hour or two sooner, but Admin decided now was the right time to start watching Steven Universe..

Admin: There is nothing wrong with spending summer break watching TV

Dragon: ANYWAYS... Thank you for making the first dare for everyone *irritated glare* But before we start, we have a new Admin joining us for the return... Crimson?

Crimson: *eating a cookie* Hm? Oh, right! Bring Valkyrie into the Studio please!

*Valkyrie appears*


Dragon: Admin! I thought you got rid of the fruit!

Admin: He lives in my imagination, it's impossible for him to be gotten rid of

Dragon: Can I kill him?

Valkyrie: Can I help her kill him?

Crimson: Can I join in the killing of him?

Pineapple: Can I marry Admin's boyfriend?

The three hosts: O_o

Pineapple: *bursts into flames*

Valkyrie: *screams* THAT'S UNUSUAL!!

Admin: He lives in my imagination. I imagined him burning in hell.

Dragon: ... Cheerful. Anyways, the first dare of the summer comeback is from Puffleluver14950, but due to Admin being a lazy pile of horse **** I'm going to call them Puffle. Summon them to the Studio!

*Puffle smashes through the window dressed as Captain America*

Valkyrie: .. Should I bother asking?

Dragon: Internet people are crazy. There's never a point in asking them why they do what they do.

Puffle: *whacks Dragon round the head with the shield*

Crimson: *bursts out laughing*

Puffle: Anyways, mortal punks, I dare everyone, Admin and hosts included, to jump off of a diving board into a pool of lemon jello. ^_^

Admin: You had to condemn Valkyrie to The Diving Board on her first day, didn't you?

Puffle: Yup

Dragon: *rubbing her head* Hell is filled with people like you

Puffle: But I am Lucifer

Everyone: . . . . . . . . . .

Crimson: Anyways

Dragon: Let's just get this over with... *clicks her fingers and everyone is transported to The Diving Board, along with the MAC*

Stampy: Dear cake overlords, I thought the Dares were over...

Lee: We're going to die at this rate

Amy: Yup

Crimson: Oh cheer up, guys! It's just lemon jello!

Longshot:  Is that a new hostess? *points at Valkyrie*

Valkyrie: Oui

Longshot: What's your favourite song from Hetalia

Valkyrie: I don't really like Hetalia

Longshot, stuffing breadsticks into his purse: I do not know you, you child of Hades

Nico di Angelo: I am personally offended by what that guy just said about children of Hades

Nico di Angelo: *shadow travels away*

Valkyrie: This place is insane

Dragon: We know. Right, is everyone on the board?

Stampy: Except Tomohawk. But he's an asshat

Netty: And my boyfriend

Stampy: That's why he's an asshat, sis

Crimson: Damn, Stampy, that's cold

Squid: Let's just get this over with

*everyone prepares to jump*

Salem: *runs past in a bikini waving a pink scythe in the air and jumps off whilst singing Hakuna Matata*

Squid: Aaand now I have a boner. 

Dragon: Details, Squidgy. They aren't necessary at all times. 

Lee: *howling with laughter*

Admin: For goodness sake.. *jumps and everyone falls off the board*



*everyone lands in the lemon jello*

Dragon: Are we done now? Because I'd quite like to take a shower now

Salem: *jumps out of the jello, still wielding a scythe* HAKUNA MATATA YOU UNDERAGE TEENAGE DIRTBAGS 

Valkyrie: *whips out a bow and arrow and starts shooting at Salem*

Dragon: Here we go again...

Lee: *pounces on Rosie* FOOD FIGHT

Stampy: *takes the opportunity to chase down Tomohawk* 

Netty: Stampy, no!

Crimson: *sets fire to everything*

Dragon: I think I'm going to turn these cameras off before someone gets injured... See y'all later on, unless Salem decapitates us within the next ten minutes

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