0.1 "Mmmm I Don't Think So"

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Wednesday September 17, 2014

I looked to see the sun slowly disappearing behind the lake while he gently grabs my hands. I look down to see our hands intertwined, a small smile growing on my face. A breeze came by but I didn't feel it because of this large sweater I didn't realize I was wearing. I move my eyes from our hands to the guy in front of me but, his face was all a blur.


What? I squint trying to get an image of this mysterious mans face.


"What is going on" I shake my head confusingly. "Who are you?" He opened his mouth to speak and-


I jolt my head from the desk to see Mr. Thompson and all of my classmates staring at me. I look around and realize I fell asleep during class. I look up to my teacher and show a big smile.

..."so...how's it going Mr. Thompson" I say in a super sweet voice. I heard small laughs from the class while Mr. Thompson himself was trying to hold back a smile. The finally rung letting me escape from this awkward moment. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding before packing up my books. Before I was able to make my way through the door Mr. Thompson calls me back in.

"I am so so sorry I fell asleep in class it's just with everything going on I barely get any sleep at home" I say before he has a chance to say anything first.

"Hailey, you are an exceptional student, definitely one of the best in the school but this is the third time you've fell asleep in my class. I'm afraid I can't let you off the hook this time.

"I promise-"

"No, I'm sorry Hailey. I'm afraid I'll have to give you detention. Today after school." He hands me a pink detention slip which I reluctantly take. I look at the slip then back at my teacher. I give him my best pouty face I can put together.

He laughs quietly. "That's not working on me"

"It was worth a try" I shrug and walk out of the class. It was only first period and I already got detention. Great. Now I know it seems like detention is no big deal but it is to me. I've never gotten detention before. I push myself to be a perfect daughter that every parent wished they had and this detention stuff, ain't my type of scene. I somehow make my way to my second period class which happens to be gym. Don't get me wrong here, I may be an academic freak but I also love sports. It does help that I play on a volleyball team outside of school as well and is captain of my schools team. I walk into the gym and make my way into the change room trying to avoid eye contact with the super annoying boys who change way too quickly. As I walk in I'm greeted by Juliet. You can definitely say she's one of my closest friends ever.

"Hey Hails, took you long enough to get here"

I drop my bags on the bench and turn to look at her giving her my famous pouty face.

"I got detention Jules"

She laughs. "Oh wait, you're not kidding? The amazing, straight A, athletic council PRESIDENT gets detention?! Oh how will life ever go on" she laughs jokingly.

I smile along with her. "Hey you shut up. This is the first time I've gotten detention."

"Well maybe you'll make new friends in detention like I did. Or maybe even meet your new man" she winks.

I roll my eyes jokingly. "Right 'cause that's definitely going to happen"

"You never know, now hurry up and get changed I'll meet you outside".

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