2.1 "You Have No Idea"

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Wednesday, November 12 - third period

After 50 minutes of teaching our math teacher decided to give us a work period for the rest of class so Michael, Luke and I moved our desks so that we formed a mini circle. Michael and I were sitting next to each other while Luke sat in front of us.

"How excited are you guys for Friday?" Michael asks us.

"It's like any other Friday night" Luke shrugs

"He's lying he told me how excited he was 'cause this is his first" I tell Michael

"Hailey, you're not supposed to tell him" Luke whines. Michael and I laugh. Luke and Michael get lost in their own conversation while I continued to do my work and occasionally listen to what they were talking about. I took this chance to text Calum about the after school plans.

Haileycopter: meet today after school at ur locker?

Puppy Hood: ya sure, I'll drive

Haileycopter: or we can just take the bus...

Puppy Hood: are u stupid? i'm not gonna just leave my car at this school overnight

Haileycopter: oh ya....LOL my bad

"Hailey" a voice calls out

"What?" I asked startled.

"I asked you what you think" Michael says.

"About what?"

"About who has the bigger penis me or Luke"

"What?" I repeat but in a more surprised tone

Michael laughs. "I'm kidding what are you doing on your phone anyway?"

"Nothing" I lock my phone and place it face down on the table. I continue my work and they go on with their conversation until my phone vibrates loudly on the table. Before I was able to get it, Michael reaches for it first.

Calum please don't let the notification be from you.

"Facebook says it's Rachel Lynn's birthday today" Michael reads. "Who the hell is that?"

"Michael, she's right there" Luke says pointing to the girl at the front with her friend who both turned to look at us.

"Oh, well happy birthday" Michael grumbles. Luke and I laugh.

"Happy birthday Rachel" I smile and she returns it. She's always been so nice since I first met her last year. Anyway, thank god that wasn't a text from Calum.

I might've spoke too soon because right when I thought that, another notification came in.

"Oo you got a text from..." Michael begins to read. No, no, no. "Puppy Hood? Who the hell is that?"

"Puppy Hood, as in, Calum Hood?" Luke asks with an annoyed tone in his voice. I don't answer I just try to take my phone from Michael's hand as quickly as possible but he moves it out of my reach.

"He says 'l-m-a-o you're so stupid but it's ok 'cause you're cute. See you after school" Michael reads my text and then hands it back to me. "You going to reply to that?"

"Well not anymore" I mumble afraid to look at Luke because I knew he was really mad.

"Why are you seeing him after school?" Luke asks me.

"Wait today after school? No wonder he cancelled on me" Michael complains.

"Please stop talking Michael" I swear to god if he says one more thing I'm going to kill him.

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