5.9 "This Is Not The Girl I Fell In Love With"

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Monday, April 6, 2015 - lunch

It's been a week since that incident with Mackenzie and it's been great, well for me. I told everyone else about what she did and they all backed me up. I made her life hell and I made sure everyone else did too. I told every single person in the school about what she did and they all agreed about how much of a bitch she is. People have been calling her names, pushing her around, ignoring her and she had no one left. I think Juliet and Adrianna did the most, ah I love my girls. I didn't do anything besides tell people the truth, this was all her own fault. What I have in mind is about to come into action soon. But not yet, it's building up to it and I have my girls to help me. Of course I felt a little bad at first but she did this to herself. It's not my fault she messed with the wrong girl. I'm a nice person, just not when you get on my bad side.

"Hailey it's been a week don't you feel bad for the poor girl?" Ashton asked

"Does she need to remind you what that 'poor girl' did to her and you guys?" Juliet said.

"She basically asked for this to happen" Adrianna pitched in.

"Remind me to never get on Hailey's bad side" Luke joked.

"Too late you're already on it" I state.

"Where is she anyway?" Calum asked.

"Probably eating lunch by herself in the washroom" Juliet laughed.

"Stop being such a bitch Juliet" Michael rolled his eyes at her behaviour.

"Sorry forgot you were whipped 'cause she sucked your dick" she replied.

"Let's just let all of this die down, I'm starting to feel bad" Calum said.

"Why? She did this to you and your girlfriend, don't take her side" Adrianna said.

"I'm not taking her side I just don't think she or anyone else would deserve to end the school year like this. It's her last year" he explained.

"Which is exactly why it shouldn't matter. Just two more months with that bitch" I say.

"Are you sure she's the one being a bitch?" Calum asked.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Juliet sassed.

"Nothing" He sighed. "I'm gonna back to my regular table. Mikey, you coming?"

Michael nods and they both leave to go to their regular lunch spot. I watch him as Calum goes to sit beside Sophia and she happily greets him with a hug.

"Ugh do we need to ruin her life too?" Juliet groaned.

"No it's fine. Sophia's really nice" I say trying not to show my jealousy. She was nice, gorgeous, and just perfect. Of course Calum dated her.

"So what are we going to do about Mackenzie?" Adrianna asked.

"I have a plan" I say.

"Plan to do what?" Ashton asked.

"The plan to end it all. I told her that she's going to regret ever messing with me and my boys" I said.

"Haven't you already made her life pretty bad? You got the entire school to turn on her" Luke pointed out.

"Oh trust me Luke that was nothing. I'm always the one to finish things off" I state.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015 - Hailey's house

"Are we seriously going through with this plan?" Adrianna asked.

I nodded my head.

"It's actually genius Hailey. I do believe you became badass because of me" Juliet flipped her hair smiling. "I'm so proud of you" she jumped on top of me to give me a hug.

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