Chapter 2

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Without having come up with a reasonable excuse, and realizing she didn't have a way of contacting him other than school email, which might be monitored, she ended up at his house with the intention of telling him that she simply was not interested in dog sitting.

She could have emailed him, there probably wouldn't have been an issue, but for some reason she didn't want to risk getting him in trouble. It couldn't be because she liked him, it was simply because he was a good teacher, and she enjoyed his classes, and she was looking forward to the next one.

Charlie had no trouble finding the house. It was close to the school in a neighborhood that was built just after WWII. The craftsman style bungalows were well kept and charming with large yards. Hilliard's house sat across the street from the park.

She parked her car in front of the house bearing the same number that was on the piece of paper.

Not at all easy with entering a strange, single man's domain, she took a deep breath while telling herself that not everyone was out to harm her as she made herself get out of the car and start up the walk.

When she got to the door she paused, her heart was pounding and she felt cold sweat on her brow. She couldn't do it. She didn't know this man, why would she walk into his house alone? She would leave and email him to tell him she had changed her mind. If he got into trouble it was his own fault.

Just as she turned around the door to the house opened and a tall blond man, who was not Hilliard, greeted her.

Charlie's first instinct was to run. She instantly did not like the man. He reminded her too much of someone she would rather forget. Her logical side looked closely at the man and realized that he was not the same, but her instinctual side would have none of it.

"Is that you Charlie?" she heard Hilliard from the back recesses of the house.

The blond man grinned. "Hello pretty lady. Come on in." He stood aside as two roly-poly bulldogs waddled out of the door, snorting like pigs as they followed her scent.

Despite her unease Charlie looked down at the dogs and smiled. She swore they were smiling back as they panted, snorted, and sniffed her shoes. They quickly lost interest in her and wandered back into the house, obviously not interested in the freedom that lay beyond the front porch either.

Charlie looked back up at the man as he opened the door wider.

"No thanks, I'll wait for Dr. Hilliard."

He eyed her then shrugged as he shouted over his shoulder. "Hey Houdini, it's for you."

Charlie stood where she was and waited. She looked past the man to see that the dogs had gone to lay in beds by the fireplace and both were snoring very loudly.

"Hey Charlie, come on in, I'm in the kitchen. Don't let Will scare you off, he's harmless enough."

This time Charlie had no choice but to enter the house and, unless she wanted to admit her fear of the strange man to Hilliard, follow Will as he led the way.

When she entered the kitchen her first thought was that it was a wonderful room. Her next thought was that Hilliard was dressed in a way she had never seen him dressed, and that he was a man in his prime, and in very good shape. He had well defined everything. He was dressed in the same outfit as Will, a black t-shirt, cargo pants, and heavy boots; but where Will's t-shirt fit him with a little room to spare Hilliard's was very tight, and she noticed a tattoo around his bicep just under his shirt sleeve.

He looked up and meet her eyes; his mossy green ones held nothing but polite interest.

She had grown up in a military family so she knew the signs. His beard and shaggy hair had thrown her. She looked back at Will, and was surprised that she had missed the signs with him.

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