New school!

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Arianas pov
I wake up with a big smile on my face. I walk down stairs in a good mood and some of my body guards mumbling a good morning here and there.
That's a first Ali says.
What? I ask confused
Your actually in a good mood, she says trying to be a smart ass.
Well that's because I actually get to go to public school unlike you.
She rolls her eyes and says, public school isn't all it seems to be.
What do you know your only 13 and you have never even been to public school, I snap.
More then you think I have friends down here that go to public school so shut up, she snaps back.
I turn around from the fridge and right when I was about to curse at her, my mom says break it up knowing what i was about to do.
She started it, Ali says.
Yeah and I'm ending it, I say making Ali even more mad.
I walk to the table and I sit down and eat my left over pizza from the other day.
My mom says, hurry up your gonna be late, you already spent 10 minutes fussing with Ali.
I shrug my shoulders and wash my plate then I walk up to my room, and go straight to my closet.
Considering that it's November it's really cold outside but I'm wearing a short sleeve I'll just bring a jacket with me.
I put on a blue shirt with tan fringe at the bottom, black tights, with tan boots, and blue earrings. I straighten my hair and do my usual makeup, black mascara with black eye liner, and light red lip stick with foundation.
I grab my black bookbag with red roses on it.
I grab my phone and put it on vibrate and then I stick it in my bag, then I put on deodorant, and perfume.
I grab my keys and walk down stairs but before I walk out my mom says, Ariana!
Yes mom? I ask
I hear her heels clinking towards me and she gives me my hoodie, it's a black, thin and really soft one I got back in Britain.
I kiss my mom on the cheek and I say, bye love you, and she says it back. I say bye love the rest of you werdios!
I laugh and text Maddi I'm on my way to get her then I get in my car.
I buckle up and I drive to her house and she gets in, then we take off to school.

Are you nervous, maddi asks like I should be.

No, why? I ask

No reason but just don't get involved with slade Parker, Haley Short and their little squad.. she says

Why? I ask

Just don't, she says back kinda sounding aggravated.

But why?? I ask also getting aggravated because she won't give me a answer.

Damn it Ariana, just don't! She snaps at me.

Sorry... dang.

Me to, those are just bad and mean people that you don't need to get involved with.

Can you just tell me why? I ask eager to know

Fine, for one, slade:
Has sex with girls then drops them
Mean to everyone but his stupid squad

Thinks she's better then EVERYBODY
Mean to everyone but her squad

WOW is all that could come out of my mouth. .

Yeah.. says Maddi

Sorry! School in next chapter I thought I wasted time in this one and it would be to long so next chapter

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