Talks, asd, and fights

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Ariana's mom pov

Ariana and Maddi are now sat down at the kitchen.

Okay this is mainly about Ariana but Maddi you were involved in some of it to.

Okay so first,
Wearing clothing that shows way to much cleavage
Going to parties without my permission
Drinking alcohol
Coming home late on school nights
Getting after school detention!
Shipping class
and late for class! !!!! My mom yells.

Um what do you mean to much cleavage? Ariana asks

I show her the photo she had someone take of her in a crop top and short shorts.

Oh my god, mom. She rolls her eyes.

Quit with the eye rolling. I snap at her,

How do you know about me getting asd, and skipping? Ariana asks shocked. And me being late for class???

The school has called me.earlier. I say to her annoyed at what she has done.

Okay mom stop lecturing us, what's our punishment? ? Ariana snaps.

I roll my eyes at her, Maddi you can't go anywhere for a week, and Ariana you can't for two weeks.

What?! Ariana jumps up

What? I ask her

Why do I get two but she gets one week?! She yells

Don't you dare yell again. And because she didn't do half of what you did.

Whatever mom, She says walking away.
Ariana's pov
7:00 am

I can't believe what happened last night! She's so unfair, I'm a teenager just let me experience New things, Damn

I don't feel like dressing up today, so I put on,
A long sleeve black top that says pink on the back in pink letters, with pink matching.tights, and my black Nikes with a pink check Mark.

I do my usual hair and makeup with deodorant and perfume.

I walk over to Maddi's room and I walk in and tell her let's go. She seems pissed at me.

We get in my car and don't say a word to each other...

Um mads? I say.

What? She mumbles.

Are you mad at me?

Um actually yes, yea I am. Maddi says.

Well you shouldn't, It wasn't really my fault.

Actually, yes it was! She snaps at me.

No, no it was not!

You basically have gotten me trouble since you and Mr.perfect have started seeing each other! She snaps again.

Not once did I control your feet or anything of you. Its your actions that you control nobody said you had to come with me to that party! I snap back at her, but she don't reply back to me.
I walk to first period with slade, us holding hands.

Me and him talk about a few.things. and then he pulls me into the janitors closet and he puts his hands on my hips and looks me straight in the eyes then he says,
I've been wanting to do this for a very long time,
Then he starts kissing me.
He puts force in it which I love.

About 15 minutes later we walk out then come to class late again...

The teacher tells us to go get a tardy slip, Slade I say.

Yeah babe? He asks

We had after school detention yesterday and we bailed, so I'm guessing we have it today...

At least I'll be with you, he says smiling at me.
We sit down beside each other in asd then the teacher looks up,

Um no mam and no sir, one of y'all move away from the other. She says

Slade moves like 2 seats behind me, and we both laugh.

Here's the rules,
No talking
No laughing
No playing
No leaving until time to go.
She says with a attitude.

We just sit there in silence then I feel someone behind me, I turn back to see Slade moved behind me.

We both smile at each other.

He passed me a note,

Babe, I'm bored.
Me to...
I wish we could leave
Yea, that would be wonderful
When she goes to get lunch, say we leave?

I look back at him and smile and nod my head.

She leaves to go get lunch then me and Slade open the window and leave.

We on our way to the beach, turn on the song
Here comes forever by r5
And he lets down his hood and we blast it laughing and joking.around.

We get there an he sets out a towel and we lay back together and listen to music on his phone and we fall asleep in each other's arms.
I wake up and its dark, I then wake Slade up.

What time is it? I ask
10:30, he says back

Great, just great. I say getting up helping him up.

What's wrong? He asks

My mom is most likely gonna kill me..

Just say you were out with pink. He says shrugging.

I will. I smile and we get in his truck and he takes me home.

I walk in and my mom immediately asks where I've been

I lie and say, after asd Pink was still there because she was helping out with upcoming prom, and we went out to eat and her house for a couple hours.
I didn't lie about helping with prom though.

She says, oh okay. Believing me.

Did Maddi drive my car home? I ask my mom

I don't know she's been in her room all day.she says

I walk upstairs and sit on her bed, Maddi I'm sorry.

Well it's not accepted! All you've done is gotten me in trouble since slade has come along!she snaps.

Excuse me? Slade is the actually the best thing that has happened to me! I snap back

She looks up at me, look slade Is not who he seems to be! He is gonna get what he wants from you then your never gonna hear from his ass again, he's a manwhore! She snaps about to cry.

What the hell do you know?! I yell at her.

I know a lot more then you do! If you stay with him your officially a whore, Ariana!She yells.

Oh my gosh! Shut up Maddi, your just fuxking jealous! I also yell back

Haha, whatever don't come crying to me when your heart broken by his ass! She laughs but then again she's crying

Right when i was about to actually hit this bitch my mom and older sister grab me and try towalk me to my room but I don't let them
I guess we were yelling louder then we though we were.

I snatch my arms away from them and look at Maddi, this isn't over bitch. Then I walk out,

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