Chapter 9

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With a sharp crack, the cast splits open. Chansey smiles, throwing it away as she speaks. "There we are, good as new. Try putting a little weight on it."

A little nervously, Sparky stands up onto all four legs, testing his previously-wrapped one by leaning on it slightly. He sighs in relief. "Much better...thank you."

"You're very welcome." She turns to the little fox next to him. "And have you been eating your Cheri Berry concentrate like I asked?"

"Yes, ma'am," Ember replies, tails swishing.

"Good." She pats them both on the head. "Things are so much better with patients that listen. Now, I know you have a dangerous job, but I tell all the guild members to be careful anyway. The same goes to you."

The Shinx nods. "We will, ma'am."

"Alright then, off you go." The nurse Pokémon picks them up off the table and sets them down near the door. "Have a nice day!"

"You too!" The Vulpix waves as they exit the clinic before turning to her partner. "How's it feel to be fully mobile again?"

"About the same as it did before," he replies with a chuckle. "But it's a relief to not feel an ache whenever I walk."

"I'll bet..." She smiles, nudging him with her side. "Feel like doing a mission to celebrate?"

He nods. "Hopefully something with less Rock-types, though."

"Agreed, those suck for both of us..." She shivers. "Especially those with all the Ground-type moves."

"If we ever go to a desert, we're pretty much dead in the water," Sparky notes. "Or lack thereof, but you know what I mean."

"Yeah... that would be bad, both of us weak, but you not being able to take the heat like me..." Shrugging, Ember walks on. "Guess we just never go to a desert then."

"Sounds easy enough." He notices the guild come into view. "Unless we get specifically assigned a mission like that..."

"Let's just be positive for now." She lightly swats his tail with her own. "Okay?"

He nods. "Right. Sorry."

"No need to be, now..." Her eyes narrow as her smile grows. "Wanna race to the boards?"

Sparky grins as well. "You're on." They take off at top speed.

Ember grumbles as they sit in front of the boards. "You only won because the ladders were working for you."

Sparky chuckles, breathing a little heavier than normal. "No, I won because I'm lightning-fast." He grins.

Grinning back, she lightly bats one of his ears with a paw. "Oh you did not just make that pun."

"I have tons." He glances back at the outlaw board, which they had chosen to look at first. "So, who should we go for? Any of them catch your eye?"

"Hmm..." Looking between the two boards, the Vulpix thinks. Seeing the pickings for small time being scarcer than usual, she looks a bit more upward. "How about one of those? A Tropius doesn't sound too bad to take down..."

He raises an eyebrow. "That thing looks like it could eat us in one bite. Besides, I don't think something that can fly away would be easy to catch."

"Think of it as a challenge," she counters. "Besides, you zap it enough and I burn it enough and it can't fly."

"I guess so..." The Shinx scratches the back of his head, considering it.

"I certainly hope you two are joking," a familiar voice states inside their heads, just as its owner gracefully enters the room.

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