Chapter 10

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Ember's tails swish side to side as the pair head back to their room. "Ah, another successful mission! Third day in a row, too! We're on a roll." She nudges Sparky with her hips, smiling at him.

He jumps a bit before sheepishly smiling back. "Y-Yeah..."

Tilting her head at him, her grin doesn't fade as she nuzzles under his chin. "Come on, Spark Knight, you should have at least a little more enthusiasm."

A small blush assaults his cheeks as he more or less freezes from the nuzzle. "Sorry... I'm happy, yeah..."

Forced to stop as well, the Vulpix looks to him with confusion. Still, seeing the blush on his cheeks, she giggles, grabbing his yellow scarf in her mouth and tugging slightly. "Come on... just a bit more and we'll be in our room."

He sighs and follows along, stumbling a bit from the tugging. "Right... sorry."

"Nothing to be sorry about." She spots their room coming up, her paws dancing a little. "A little relaxing time in our nest may be just what you need."

"Maybe..." Shrugging, he picks up the pace just a bit before they get into their room. He immediately makes for their combined blanket beds.

Ember shrugs off their packs, putting them in the corner before skipping over to the nest herself, still with her smile. He watches her before sighing, laying down on the blankets. The female tilts her head once more at this. Sliding into the nest against him, she tucks her muzzle against his neck. "What's wrong?"

He blinks and squirms a bit. "N-Nothing..."

Frowning, she gives him a lick across the nose. "I don't believe you. If you tell me, I can help."

His blush returns at the lick, and he squirms further. "I'm fine..."

Blinking, she shuffles over closer to him. "Do you... have a problem with what I've been doing to you? I thought you liked it..."

"N-No, it's not that... I like it, just..." The Shinx pauses, trying to figure out how to word this. "It feels... different, now... like, every time you do something like lick or nuzzle me, it feels good, but... also a little uncomfortable? I don't know how to put it..."

"Uncomfortable?" Her ears fold back at this. "I wasn't going for that... but you do like it..." Shifting a bit, she looks up at him. "Maybe it feels different because they are a bit different. At least the intent is."

"Uncomfortable isn't really the word I want... but what do you mean, the intent?" He looks slightly worried, but more curious than anything.

She blinks. "You... don't know?" Her ears flick back and forth as her tails do the same, slowly, like she is thinking. "But... in the park... I thought I made it clear..."

He blinks, realization slowly starting to set in. "W-Wait... you mean...?" His face reddens again.

"I'm not sure what you're thinking anymore..." Her tails lay across his back gently. "So... why not finish that sentence?"

Sparky glances back at the tails before answering, eyes on the floor. "I... I don't really know... I don't want to be wrong, but I'm scared to say it..." He swallows. "I know they're affectionate gestures... are you meaning them in a more affectionate way?"

She nods, nuzzling him softly. "Yes."

His blush only increases, unsure how exactly to take this. "S-So...?" He can't think of a proper way to voice his question, and so just trails off.

The Fire-type blushes a bit herself, straightening her bangs a bit with a paw before looking at him. "I like you... more than a friend. Do you... think you could feel the same?"

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