Chapter 11

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Dreams can take on forms of every kind. There can be dreams of adventure, romance, laziness, even dreams about dreaming can crop up in the slumbering mind. Pokemon dreams are no exception. A certain Vulpix has the peculiar start to her own dream... of waking up.

Yawning widely, Ember stretches, not bothered by the fact that she seems to be bigger than when she went to sleep. Dreams tend not to worry about details when they don't want to. Looking around and seeing what appears to be just the room at the guild, what does draw her attention are three things at her side.

The first is a small note: 'Be back later, getting breakfast for us. -Sparky' She smiles at this, tails wagging before the other two things stop their motion.

There, nestled against her lower stomach, are two eggs. One is blue and black, the other is orange and red. While such a thing might normally produce a bit more of a reaction, Dream Ember has her own response. Namely, she smiles happily, and curls around them protectively. "My babies..."

A bit of time passes before one of the eggs roughly bumps her nose. She blinks, opening her eyes and looking down at the shell. As small spiderweb cracks start to appear, the little fox both in dream and in reality starts to feel her heart beat faster. Just as one chip falls in, a white light comes out of the shell, quickly overtaking itself and her surroundings, leaving just a white expanse and a now normal sized Vulpix.

Ember blinks. "Umm... what?"

A familiar, if barely, voice comes from around her. "Apologies for interrupting such a sweet dream, but your electric friend was too difficult to get through to." The white expanse fades to gray, and the Banette from Skull Cave rises up from the ground in front of her. "Peekaboo."

"Ahh!" Ember yelps as she jumps back a few feet. "What are you doing... here?" She looks around. "Umm... I know I was dreaming something..."

"I will let you get back to it in a moment." His grin does not falter. "I simply wish to give you a few... warnings."

She blinks. "Oh... well, alright then. I hope I actually remember them more than I do my dreams."

He simply nods. "First, I hope you are ready to go to the mountains. I have made some... arrangements... to ensure that is where your first guild expedition shall take you." His eye twinkles mischievously. "Your guildmaster will likely go over this with you in the morning, but I feel it is important to give you my personal reminder."

"Well, that'll make things easier." She nods. "I really don't even want to know how you did it, so please don't tell me."

"If you wish." He floats in a circle around her. "Second, I have received word from a cohort of mine that the Dustox is still in the mountains, but seems on edge. If you two fail to catch him, I have no doubt he will flee even farther away." He leans in close to her face. "And I will not be happy with that."

She doesn't flinch like earlier, instead narrowing her eyes at him. "It's important, so we won't fail."

"Good." He floats back. "One final warning: someone in this town is on the Dustox's side. You may have met them already, you may not have. But trust no one, regardless of how well you think you know them."

Her ears fold at this, her expression falling. "But... our friends wouldn't do anything to us... and we risk losing them if we don't trust them."

"And you risk losing them a lot more if you do." He crosses his arms. "Believe me, you will know those you can trust. You and your comrade - him especially, if my theories are correct - will have a gut feeling. I can tell you that your guildmaster and his Psychic assistant are not to be doubted, but that is all that even I know for certain."

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