Chapter 4: Scars

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Addy drove me to school in anything but silence. It had been an awkward goodbye last night and I didn't have the courage to relive it.

"You're telling me Levi chose that color?" She demanded.

"Yes, he didn't give me a choice. He was afraid I would stay in my comfort zone," I replied.

"Well, I think it looks really good. It makes your eyes pop," she said.

That's exactly what Levi said.

"So what did he say about his girlfriend?" She asked, making a 360.

"They are an on and off couple. I guess I sat next to her in chemistry. And I smell like lavendar?"

"Wait, Monica is his girlfriend?" She yelled.

"Yeah but I don't really know her," I said. She pulled into our parking spot and shut off her car.

"That bitch ruined my life in the 7th grade," she muttered, gathering her bags.

I hopped out and headed to the front doors, she was on my heels. I got a lot of stares while walking through the halls. Like they had any right to judge me. Just 8 weeks of fun hair and then back to the norm.

"Monica was the one who spread the rumor that you bathed with your dog?" I asked.

"Yeah, she was. And I guarantee she hasn't changed. She might seem nice but she is really a bitch," she said.

"It's not my place to judge. All I know is Levi and Monica are currently not dating. Not that I care, Levi scares me," I explained.

Addy turned around and looked for somebody in the crowd. "I don't think they are off. I think they are on."

I looked in the general direction she was looking. Levi had Monica pressed up against the lockers, there was no space between their bodies. I felt like an intruder during their moment.

I could only think that maybe Levi would forget about me now that he and Monica were back together, for who knows how long.

The bell rang signaling homeroom. Addy shut her locker and headed towards her first period class. I shut my locker and headed my way, leaving Levi and Monica to each other.


Lunch rolled around and I was beyond tired. Thoughts of Levi had kept me up most the night and I wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight. Homework was piled up next to my lunch.

"You should try attempting your homework. It's only day two of school,"Addy laughed, sitting across from me.

"It's the stupid bucket list keeping me from the important things in life," I snapped.

"I think you need to calm down. Want me to call over Levi?" She teased.

"I don't care. He's probably too busy sucking face with Monica to hear you," I snorted.

Addy glared at me. "Do you like him?"

I praised the Lord's that my blush didn't give me away. Must be I didn't actually have feelings for him.

"No, Levi is nice and all, but he's too outgoing. Last night it was his way or the highway," I said.

Addy nodded and focused back on her lunch. I casually looked around the room for Levi. The loud chatter of people talking over each other amplified when you really paid attention.

It was getting rather loud when I realized it wasn't just chatter. Levi and Monica were having a heated argument.

"Well? Who is she?" Monica yelled.

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