Chapter 5: The Search

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I rolled over and shut my alarm off. Levi and I had left the night quite awkwardly.

I took a quick shower and dressed in my usual. My dark skinny jeans and plain grey tshirt with my red converse. I'm sad to say they will have to go soon.

By the time I was ready, Addy was pounding on the front door. Or at least I thought it was Addy. When I pulled the door open it was Levi. And he didn't look too good.

"Levi, what the hell happened?" I asked, ushering him in. He had 3 scratch marks across his cheek, faded but cut open. His lip was swollen and his whole face red. His hair was tousled.

"I went to see Monica last night, you know to apologize for at lunch? And she thought I was mocking her. I said I was sorry and that I thought we should just stop all together and she fucking flips out! She starts yelling at me for cheating and treating her like shit. I didn't mean for her to take it like that," he explained, walking to my kitchen.

"You went to apologize?" I asked. That was a really sweet gesture.

"Yeah, I mean I love her and I couldn't leave things like that. But once she calmed down she agreed that it was for the better that we split," he continued.

"So then why are you here?" I asked. "And pounding on my front door?"

"I wanted to give you a ride to school and I wanted to make sure I got here before Addy," he said. He grabbed a napkin off the tray and cleaned up his face.

He was missing his scratches by a good 3 inches so I took the napkin and got it wet. I gently swept over his wounds, trying to keep the blush down.

"Does Addy know you and her are in a race?" I laughed.

"What Addy doesn't know won't kill her," he replied.

I threw the napkin away and stepped back. I grabbed my bag off the table and followed Levi outside. His motorcycle was sitting in my driveway, making me excited.

I still wasn't getting used to putting myself on the contraption but I managed to do it anyways. Once I was situated, Levi pulled out. We caught Addy at the perfect time, she was going to pull into my driveway.

She was on our tail the whole way to school.


Addy slammed her car door and stalked over to Levi and I. She had her hands on her hips and cleared her throat.

"Abigail Vaugh, a word please," she hissed.

I smiled at Levi and followed Abigail into the school. She didn't say a word until we were at our lockers.

"Are you leaving me for him?" She demanded.

She was obviously upset about Levi and I hanging out. I decided to play this game for a little while.

"Not forever you know. Just until we finish my bucket list then I'll return to you," I shrugged.

She gasped. "Abigail, what has he done to you?"

"Like you said, I need to get out more and Levi has done just that. He makes me happy," I chuckled. That last part was true.

"I cannot believe you! You're leaving me for that- that boy?"

"No, Addy. He gave me a ride to school because he and Monica had a fallout. You don't need to worry about me leaving you or whatever," I laughed, ending the game before she killed me.

"That is not nice, Abigail! I honestly thought I was going to be friendless," she said.

"I couldn't do that to you," I replied.

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