Nathaniel & Nancy | The Black Out

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Nathaniel & Nancy | The Black Out

"We, need to leave." Nathaniel grated the words out, barely able to breath. I could see his paled face almost turning a shade of grey or even green. His eyes drifted to the plate of spaghetti with Bottarga and I saw his head jerk forward suggesting the mother of all hurls was climbing his throat as we spoke.

"Dude, keep it together. We're at a business dinner, you really wanna throw up all over our client's meal?" Daniel hissed glancing nervously at Enrique who seemed both confused and concerned. He lifted two fingers and gestured for a waiter. He spoke something in Italian before gesturing to Nathaniel's plate. The waiter looked nervous and extremely apologetic, lifting the plate away from the table he disappeared behind a door which I'm sure led to the kitchen.

I watched completely speechless. Fisting one of his hands he slammed it down on the table, and oh boy did that draw attention. I sank in my seat as people began to whisper and gasp, the worst part was we could hear them but not understand them. "Mr Hughes, I suggest you have some water." He lifted his head enough to glare at Enrique. Gotta hand it to the man, even in his current condition his arrogance remains unaffected...that's some bloody ego. My subconscious scoffed. I quickly poured him a glass of water and hand it to him.

He spared a second to glare at me before gripping Daniel's wrist. "Now. Leave now!" He grunted the words out like a cave man from the primitive era some of us had yet to evolve from. Biting my bottom lip I tried desperately not to laugh as he began to shake his head. "I'm...gunna puke! We gotta go, we gotta go now!" He demanded shaking his head furiously from side to side,

"Fuck..." Daniel cursed when Nathaniel began to dry heave more violently.

"Get me the fuck out of here..." Nathaniel slurred turning all shades of grey and green. Gripping Nathaniel above the elbow Daniel stood abruptly and began to drag him from the table. Scrambling up from my seat I shot and apologetic look towards Enrique.

"I'm so sorry Enrique. Please don't take this to offence, Nathaniel is...sensitive. The food was delicious." He nodded understandingly, standing he gestured for me to leave. "It's okay, please enjoy your meal." He nodded, offering him one last smile I rushed after Daniel as he dragged Nathaniel from the restaurant. We hurried to the town car with Daniel hissing every curse in the book, planting his palms against the roof of the car Nathaniel hunched over only breathing in.

"What the hell's going on with him?" Daniel snapped running his hand through his hair.

"Bloody hell Nate, what's wrong with you? They were just salted fish eggs, you know tiny little orbs from fish ovaries..." His body jerked forward as he heaved harder, pressing a finger over my mouth I stiffened a laugh. Daniel glared at me and I shrugged. He placed a hand on Nathaniel's shoulder and helped him straighten.

I quickly whipped out my phone and started recording. "You don't eat fish eggs do you?" He grated the words out and Nathaniel dry heaved again, I flinched imagining Daniel getting showered with chunks of vomit. "Fuck, you're really going to hurl! Turn the fuck arou-" before he'd completed the order Nathaniel had doubled over gripping onto Daniel's waist.

I felt myself dry heave as Nathaniel puked his lungs out all over Daniel's pants and expensive dress shoes. My mouth formed an O shape and I lifted my free hand to cover my amusement. Daniel's face was frozen, his hands up in a defensive position as Nathaniel went round two over his already vomit coated pants and shoes. He closed his eyes in physical pain, I was surprised he too didn't hurl, all over Nathaniel's hair.

I burst into a fit of laughter at the idea, poor Daniel...was all I could think, it was pretty unfortunate. But it would make a killer YouTube video. I laughed harder. Climbing his hands up Daniel's sides Nathaniel released several heavy breaths, my face scrunched with sympathy. It hadn't been the plan but Daniel too had been hit tonight. I was sure there'd be repercussions, they'd both be getting me back. But this was so undeniably worth it.

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