Chapter 1

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                    Lily's POV

Severus Snape and I had been friends since I ever learned I was even a witch, in fact, he was the one who told me I was a witch before I got my acceptence letter to Hogwarts School Of  Witchcraft and Wizardry. Now I'm in my 6th year at Hogwarts and I'm getting a little worried about Sev....

I can't really talk to Marlene about this though. She's my best friend in Griffindor and I love her but I can't really talk to her like I can with Sev. She also doesn't like him because he's in Slytherin.

But Sev's been in rather a bad mood lately and has been hanging around the wrong crowd. Malfoy,Avery, Mulciber, Crabbe and Goyle. Whenever I see him he looks away and he is becoming very secretive.
Nowadays our conversations usually go like this:
Me: hey sev!
S: hey. * hurries away*

It's almost as he's avoiding me! And there have been rumors too that his group of people are supporters of You-Know-Who, especially the Lestrange's. And I have a feeling that Sev is one of them.

I need to talk to Severus...

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