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Lily's pov

"Goodbye mum and dad. I love you!" I say as I give them both one last quick hug. " Goodbye. Petunia"
She rolls her eyes at me and turns away. I wave goodbye to my parents one last time an board the train.

"Marlene! Mary!How was your summer? I missed you guys so much! Oh! And I got made a prefect!" I said as we tried to find a compartment.
"Ugh. There are no compartments left. Let's just sit here. Marlene says walking into a compartment with of course. The Marauders.
"Really Mar!" I mumble and she looks back at me and smirks. She has been really close with James since they were little because both of their parents were pure blood.

"Hey Lily" James said, smirking. There's that smirk again. I knew it would come back. I roll my eyes and smile "hello James". "How was your summer?" Im surprised he hasn't asked me out yet. " wait is this true? James Potter is having
A civilized conversation with me?" I say sarcastically. He laughs, "maybe I am"  I noticed that when he laughs, his eyes squint up in a kind of adorable way, and they also brighten like three shades, bringing notice to the actual gold flecks in his eyes. Then I realize i'm staring at him and look away. In my peripheral vision I see him give a slight frown but he covers it back up with a smirk. " So Jamsie," Sirius starts, " now that Woods gone, do you think you'll be able to handle being Griffindor team captain or will I have to take over?" He says taunting James. " I think I be fine actually" he says leaning back in his seat. "I was practicing and came up with some good tactics we could use over the summer. Hey Lily?" He says and I look up at him " will you-" i'm about to cut him off and say no but then he smirks and says, " you should try out for the team, we do need a new seeker after all." Then Marlene answers for me. " oh Lily doesn't do Quidditch , I don't even think she knows what a seeker is." "I do too" I reply, " It's the person who catches the gold thing and wins the game." "GOLD THING!" Sirius cries feigning hurt, " Did. You. Just. Call. A. Snitch. A. Gold. Thing?" He asks , out of breath, " well I thought it was better than round thing that u catch to win the game. " " Just because you catch the snitch" he says emphasizing on the word snitch, " doesn't mean you win the game. Catching the snitch means the game is over but whoever has the most points at the end wins. It all started with Stichstock a game where..." Sirius begins to drone on about Quidditch, with Marlene gazing at him like he's the best thing on earth ( I'll have to ask her about that) and James listening thoughtfully, adding in some details and correcting Sirius if he's wrong. I was looking a James again ( ugh why do I keep doing this? But for some reason I can't look away) when I began to fall asleep, and my head ( which was not helping my case) fell on his shoulder. Before I completely fell asleep, I felt James wrap an arm around my waist, and I fell into a deep sleep, smiling slightly to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2015 ⏰

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