Chapter 6

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I didn't even notice Potter walk in until he said my name. I ignore him and keep crying. He probably thinks I'm such a baby, crying over a break up. Even though Sev- I mean Snape and I weren't even dating.

"Lily, c'mon just look at me," Potter never calls me by his first name, and I've never heard him use this tone of voice before, it was soft and comforting,  I look up into those big hazel eyes of his and he says, " Hey, it's going to be okay, come here," He wraps his strong arms around me and I suddenly feel warm. " Do you want to talk about it?" He asks, I shake my head as to say no but my mouth has a different idea. I tell him everything. From first meeting him, to telling me I was a witch,  him becoming my best friend....

Potter is a very good listener. He looks into my eyes the entire time with a thoughtful look on his face. I keep venting and venting and taking about him distancing himself and hanging around with his death eater friends until I finish, and lie my head on his warm chest and he hugs me tighter. Then he finally says," Lily, you don't need him in you life, you don't need one person to have hold of you with such a tight grip. You are amazing, Lily you truly are, and you don't give yourself enough credit for what you do. Besides, you have Marlene, Mary, Remus, Sirius basically the whole Gryffindor house, and you have me."

I was shocked with his response and my heart beating super fast didn't help at all. I look up at him again and our noses are basically touching.
Kiss me, Kiss me. What? No this is James Potter! Ya, but he's obviously changed...

We stay there, staring into each others eyes and I realize that brown/ hazel eyes are really under appreciated. Especially when they are Potter's eyes.

When I realize he isn't going to kiss me ( sad face, no, neutral face, alright, sad face) I  say, " James?" James? Since when did I call him that? His expression matched my thoughts as he says " yes.... Lily?"

"Thank you, for helping me and defending me when I ran off and being her with me listening and comforting me" I say realizing that our faces are still very close to each other  and realizing how fast my heart is beating. He smiles, not an arrogant smirk but a sincere smile and whispers " I will always be here for you Lily" I smile and put my head on his chest and I fall asleep, sleeping the best I had in ages because I was in his strong, protective, wonderful arms.

Sorry it's taken me so long to write! I had dance and I went to Disney for the weekend but I'll promise to do better!💕🎀

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