Chapter 2

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James and the Marauders take  their seats in charms and he tries not to focus too hard on the blazing red hair, right in front of his face, it looks like Veela hair but ten times better, hundred times better. If He could just reach out and touch it...
"Potter!" And He snaps out of his gaze as Professor Flitwick says, " tell me what the incantation for the  Scouring Charm is " and instead of telling, James gives a sly smirk "scourgify" and cleans of all the clutter on his desk. " splendid Potter, 10 points to Griffindor"

"Nice one Prongs" Padfoot says as they head to lunch " when Lily turned around to watch you I swear she didn't roll her eyes this time, siriusly."
"Hey, mate that's an improvement right?" Peter says
"I guess. C'mon lets go to lunch, I could eat a dog right now." James says, looking at Sirius hungrily.
" Save that look for Lily, Prongs!" Padfoot says with a smirk as they sit down, right across from none other than Lily Evans herself.

Sorry for any grammar and spelling problems. So i'm probably going to switch between Lilly's and James POV but I sometimes switch between 3rd and 1st person narration ( on the focussed person) , and when I do both at the same time, I just won't write anything... 🎀💕

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