Chapter 4

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I tossed and turned all night, thinking about the conversation I had with Sev. Why did he bring up Potter? He couldn't be jealous, could he? Why would he be? Potter and I don't even talk besides the daily and constant and annoying questions of him asking me out.

After hours of just me and my thoughts I finally drifted off to a restless sleep.

Since I basically got no sleep at all last night, I was not feeling great for my last three O.W.Ls, Charms, Potions and Defence Against The Dark Arts.

After I finally finished the last of the O.W.Ls I walked outside, only to see Potter and his crew, the Marauders, as they like to call themselves. The Marauders consist of...Remus Lupin:  Tall, shaggy dirty blond hair and he is The most responsible and level headed of the group and honestly, Remus is the only Marauder that is friends with me so he's not that bad. He is also very smart. Peter Petigrew: a short, stubby little boy who basically just follows Potter and Black around, worshipping the ground they walk on. Sirius Black: also tall, long black hair,  mischief maker and player. He's dated almost the whole year of girls besides me and a few others. James Potter: an arrogant toerag with blazing hazel eyes and a goofy grin and jet black hair that seems to stick up in all directions but it's kind of cute. What what? I take that back. I think. Moving on...

As I walk outside I see Severus upside down as Potter and Black taunt him. I feel anger run through my veins.

" POTTER YOU PUT HIM DOWN RIGHT NOW!" I yell, storming over to him.
" sure," he said smirking, and with that he flicked his wand and Sev landed face first in an puddle of mud. Then, he was lifted up again and this time his robes fell down and displayed a very greasy looking pair of underwear and everyone laughed . Finally, he fell once more and I ran over to help him up.

" Sev. Sev, are you okay?" I say grabbing his arm.


I stood there paralyzed, I could feel hot tears prick at my eyes.

Sev's face fell as if he just realized what he just said. " Oh, no, Lily I-"

" don't" I said and ran off sobbing into my dormitory.

As I ran I heard Potter scream " HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO HER-" and I couldn't hear anymore because of the distance, my sobs and " FILTHY LITTLE MUDBLOOD" echoing in my head.

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