Chapter 5

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We all loaded up the car, and headed to the Airport.
It felt like a long drive but it was only 5 or 10 minutes.

Beau Was driving and Daniel was next to him, then it was Luke and James with me in the middle.
Then ally and Jai in the back with Jax.

I could Ally and Jai talking about everything their gonna do in L.A
I really didn't wanna Go...

"Here,we are, c'mon we gotta hurry!" Beau said parking the car.

We all quickly grabbed our bags
I struggled Carrying Jax and my bags.
Until James asked to help.

We all Got an the plane,but I was last because I had to make sure Jax was safely on board.
My seat was next to beau and Luke, James and Daniel were in front of us.
Ally and Jai were Next to us.

It was a pretty boring Flight. I don't Know how the boys Do it so much.

I didn't really have much to do, since I was on a plane, but me and Luke talked alot about random things and I found that Luke Brooks had a Crush on someone and I didn't even know.

"So,is there anyone you like!?"Luke said to continue the conversation.

"What..?!"I said while choking on my drink.

"C'mon,Chris I know there is someone you like." Luke replied.

"Well,yes luke there is someone, obviously!"I said with a slight chuckle

"Well,c'mon then spit it out,tell me!" luke said while shoving me alittle.

"I can't tell you." I replied
"Well,why not,I told you mine!"luke said.
"Because,if I told you it wouldn't be a secret anymore."I replied.

"C'mon Chris......" Luke began to say before the flight attendent Inturrpted to say "Attention Passengers Our flight will be landing soon."

I couldn't wait to Get Off This Damn Plane.

When the plane landed I ran off and grabbed my luggage and ran to find Jax, when we got Jax we loaded up the Car and headed to the Boys House.

DayDreams  ||. James YammouniWhere stories live. Discover now