Chapter 6

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When we Arrived at the boys house We all Unloaded the car and walked inside.

This house is Beautiful........

I was amazed to see the boys actually cleaned their house......

"What,do you guys think?!"Jai asked Curiously

"About what?!" I asked

"The house?!" Jai replied

"Oh,its nice and I am really surprised you guys cleaned your house?!" I said with a smirk

"Do you want me to show you around?!" Luke asked as he walked up behind me

"Yea I'd love to see the rest of the house!"I replied

"Alright come on" Luke said as he walked towards the stairs

"Okay"I said while following behind him

The house was so beautiful

Luke showed me his room first, it was nice he didn't have much stuff in here
Then he showed me Daniels room and of course it was a mess

After that we went to beaus room
It was clean, which was a big shocker considering it was beau's room

Then Luke took me to James Room
It was amazing and it felt nice but also kind of weird to be in his room

And then lastly we went to Jai's room
Which was a bigger mess than Daniels room which was an even bigger shocker since Daniel is the messest one

The house was gorgeous...

I then Heard a loud bark from outside
"Guys this is Hamlet" Jai said as he let Hamlet inside

Oh he was a very beautiful creature

I ran to Jax cage and let him out

He ran to hamlet and started to sniff him to Get used to him

They actually seemed to really like each other

"I think they are gonna be great friends!"Ally said as she Sat next to Jai on the Couch

"I think so to"Me and Luke said at the same Time

"So what do you guys do when your not making videos or doing interviews?!"I asked Curiously

"Well the same stuff we do when were on camera,doing videos,and doing interviews"jai replied

I could've guessed that they do the same crazy shit they do on camera.

"so what do you guys wanna do today after all it is your first day in L.A" luke asked with a smile

"well,maybe you guys could show us around and you know show us your favorite places and just take us to see the great spots in L.A" Ally replied

"okay,well we will let you guys get settled in then we can go." Beau said as he walked beside luke

"okay so umm...Ally will be with Jai.." Daniel began to say before beau cut him off to say "of course were else would she be."

we all laughed

"well..umm...where is chris gonna sleep"luke questioned

"i dont mind sleeping out here" i replied while standing up and leaning up against the counter

" no,we cant let you sleep out here on the couch while we have comfortable beds" James said

james was so perfect.....

to me he had no flaws,i know that he doesn't agree with it but he couldn't be more perfect

he cared so much about everyone even if they didn't care about him

he loves everyone even if they don't love him

and he puts others before himself

and that's why i love him

"well...anyone want to share a room with chris?!" beau asked

but before anyone could speak james said, "I'll share!"

"okay then its settled, Ally with Jai and Chris with James" Daniel said as he walked into the lounge

" come on chris i'll take you up stairs so you can get settled" james said as he walked towards the stairs

"Here We Are." James Said Opening The door
"Thanks"I said placing my bags down on the floor
"Well I am gonna let you get Settled"James Said Walking out Closing the door

I walked around James' room
Just looking at everything
Admiring it.........

DayDreams  ||. James YammouniWhere stories live. Discover now