Chapter 8

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I spent the rest of the day thinking about how to just get some time alone with James and tell him how I feel.

James is the nicest, sweetest, kind hearted and cutest guy i know why would he think that i dont like him or that he doesn't deserve me or any girl it is more like I don't deserve him.

I walked up stairs To Grab some clothes to take a shower.....

When I entered the room there he was sitting on the bed..

"Hey,umm....I need to talk to you?" James Said Standing up from the bed.

"James,.....I really need to take a shower!" I said walking towards my bag

"Wait!" James said walking in front of me.
"What,james what do you want?!" I replied

"I wanna apologize for the way I acted towards you this morning." James said putting his down.

"Its alright James I know you didn't mean to be that way you were probably just hurt!" I replied putting my hand on james shoulder

"I am sorry I just.........I" james said looking at me

I took a breath getting prepared to tell James how I feel...

"James........ummm........I...uhh........I have to tell you something" I said Sitting down on the bed

"What.......what is it, you can tell me!" James said sitting next to me

"I.......uhh.........I really like you to" i said really fast trying to hurry up and get it out.

I felt afraid of what might happen.....
I was afraid of loosing the best friendship I have

"James,I...." I began to say before James crashed his lips onto mine
After a few seconds into the kiss it turned into a pretty heated make-out session.

I wanted to scream Eternally!!
My Secret crush
The guy who never knew I existed
Is kissing me....

DayDreams  ||. James YammouniWhere stories live. Discover now