~The Beginning~

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The beginning

"Oh honey she's absolutely perfect" said a man with an overgrown beard. He shut the old slightly rotten front door. Him and his blonde haired wife went through to the living room. They sat down on an old cracked leather sofa. A beautiful baby girl was held in her mother's arms as her dad had his arm around his beautiful wife.

"She is beautiful, our little Ellie"

I stared around the room it looked so familiar. The wall stood there in a delightful mouldy green shade. I recognised it as wall covered in beige wallpaper with brown flowers entwining with each over all over it. The off white carpet was covered in cigarette burns and wine stains, I recognised it as a walnut laminate floor complete with a fluffy brown rug. The cracked and scratched leather sofa, I recognised as two fabric sofas with velvet cushions. The slightly rotten away black door, I recognised it as a red door with stain glass windows and a silver latch. This was my house. That was my mum and that there was my dad, making that little baby...me.

How on earth did I manage that? Did I go back in time or something? I was standing there staring at my mother and father cuddled on a sofa with me in there arms. Fifteen years ago...

"So shall we get off to bed then" Dad said as he nuzzled into my mum's neck. My mum giggled as she kissed me on the forehead. I don't believe this! They had just had one baby and they were already thinking about having another one. They got up off the sofa and headed upstairs. Dad supported mum up the stairs as she fixed her eyes on me. They shoved open my door and set me down in a yellow cot. My room looked so different. Where my bed normally sat stood a wooden changing table. And were my desk normally stood sat an old rickety rocking chair. Mum raised the bar on my cot and leaned down to kiss me again. She flicked of the light and she and dad went across into their room.

I stayed in my room as I watched myself sleep, my little chest was moving up and down. Every so often I would make a little noise and kick my legs or wave my fists. I gave my parents some privacy before slipping through to their room. Mum was leaning on dad's chest as he stroked her hair. I didn't realise just how much I had missed seeing them like that. It's not the same with Mark... They were whispering to each over about me, my dad was so fond of me and seemed to think I would be the next prime minister or something.

"I'm so glad we got back together, for all of our sakes. I love you, you love me, you love Sharon and I love Sharon. I promise you Sue I will love her as much as I love you. I will love her as if she was my own"

Wait? What?

My dad isn't my father. Were they ever planning on telling me? This changes everything, I know it shouldn't, I love and loved my dad but there is someone else out there who is my own flesh and blood. Where the hell is he? It took mum ages to finally get with Mark after dad, I never thought she could have been with anyone else but dad, I found it difficult to adjust to having Mark around, and I missed my dad. I never thought, never dreamed mum could had been with someone else, yet she did this while dad was still in the picture, before the cancer...why? I felt a sickening feeling right at the pit of my stomach. The room started to spin around and around until everything blurred together and I hit the floor.

The next morning mum was breastfeeding baby me at the table while dad read a newspaper. I saw myself raise my hand and stroke my mum's wrist. I laughed at myself...that's when I noticed, there was purple rings around her slim wrists. Mum seemed to wince in pain as she stared at down at me with tears in her eyes. My dad peered over the newspaper. He took of his oversized glasses and stretched out to put his hand upon my mothers.

"Honey he's gone, over and done with. He's behind bars and will be for a very long time. I will not let him hurt you again. I promise and I will not let him anywhere near you or our little Sharon. When he gets out of prison I'll be here protecting the two of you" my dad whispered assertively as he caressed my mum's hand. Mum gave him a nod and returned to smile back at me.

"Thanks Martin, I love you" mum whispered. Dad smiled and leaned over to plant a little kiss on my mum's cheek.

Wait so let me get this straight. My mind started to tick fitting the pieces together in my mind like a jigsaw. My mum and dad separated, my mum got with another man. He got her pregnant then started to hurt her. Someone was hurting my mum! I have to find this monster! At least he's behind bars and my parents are back together...I think I have to go back further, further than the beginning I have to go back to the before...

I have to know who my monster of a dad is.

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