Ch 1 - Strange Storm

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Fionna's POV

"Cake, get Gumball! NOW!!!" I shouted to Cake.

I can't believe what was happening—Right Now!

In front of me was a storm. But not the normal storm you'd expect to see in the kingdom of Aaa, no, this was weird even for our standers.

The sky is covered in colors. The clouds are literally GLITTERING, I mean since when do our clouds GLITTER! The lightning was coming down yet instead of glowing yellow, it glittered silver. There is a small hole in the top of the sky where there isn't even ONE drop of rain. Speaking of rain, the rain that is falling now was different than normal. The rain was rainbow. Not like it looks rainbow, but literally everything it touched was changing colors. Already my hair had changed from green to purple to blue in a matter of seconds—No mili-seconds!

"Fionna! What's the ma—" Gumball broke off. Apparently, he had looked at the 'storm' that was currently turning the land of Aaa into a rainbow atrocity.

"That's, what's up!" I replied as he stood there dumbfounded.

Suddenly in the opening in the storm, I could see something.

"What do you think that is?" I ask helpless for an answer to what is happening.

"Not what, WHO!" Gumball replied walking closer to the middle.

Cake was hiding under an umbrella that was currently the changing colors at a mili-mili-second. "What!" she said seeing that I had looked over at her. "If I don't like normal rain, what makes you think I want to become some sky's canvas?"

I looked away, after seeing her reasoning. As I looked up I began to see what Gumball meant. There was the silhouette of a girl falling out of the hole in the sky.

"Gumball—" I start to say but I stop while noticing that he is now almost under the hole. "What are you doing!?!" I try to say but he can't hear me over the thundering storm above us. Dang it!!! Running after him, I can see the girl more closely now. She has deep brown hair, is wearing a flowy dress, and her skin is literally glittering!

"Who do you think she is?" I ask now close enough to speak with Gumball.

"I have no idea—But were about to find out!"

And with that the girl fell.

Estrella's POV

"Where am I..." I mutter loosely.

Then I sit up quickly!

'Think Estrella Think! You're in a white room and there are people coming down the hall!'

I can't remember a thing. But I do know this if I can't get out of here I'm going to have some explaining to do—And I don't have any explanation so I need to hide and NOW!!!

Looking around the blank room I quickly note what's here. There are white walls surrounding me
completely. There is one bed in the room—the one I'm currently on. There are no windows and only one door.

Tap, Tap, Tap

Oh No!

Someone's coming I need to hide!

I clear my mind and think only one thing—White.

Gumball's POV

"She's right in here, Doc. We have no idea what's wrong with—" I stop speaking.
The room is empty. But HOW?!? The only door was bolted shut the entire time she was here! I quickly glance around the room. There's a door and a bed. But then I notice that the bed in perfectly made. You can't even tell that she had lied there. But I know for a fact she did, after all I'm the one who carried her to the hospital room and set her on the bed. I have this weird feeling to walk up to the bed. Slowly, but surely, I walk up to the bed and touch it. Then I hear a scream.

Forgetting to be surprised that she transformed herself to look like the bed, I quickly shut the door so she couldn't try to run away.

Somehow the doctor ended up leaving thinking that I was kidding around or something about the girl.

The girl reappeared as herself.

"Where am I? Who are you? Why are the walls so close???" she said spouting off question after question.

She looked as though she was hyperventilating.

"Calm down." I said trying my hardest to sound calm. "Calm down."

"I can't—" suddenly she collapsed.

Estrella's POV

I'm falling...I'm falling...I'm FALLING

All around me I see stars, suddenly to my left a silver crescent moon appears. On my right there is a golden shining sun.

The strangest thing is happening. I feel two of me. One longs to fallow the shimmery sun, while the
other begs to stand aside the silver moon.

Then I see the two 'me' stand together.

They start becoming one. Blending into one another til there is only one person left.

The pain is unbearable.

I scream
And scream
And scream

But no one can hear me.

As they come together I feel as though the walls of my body are getting smaller and smaller.

I can't breathe.

I feel myself suffocating.

Walls getting smaller.

I scream once more, with my pain pouring out of me.

No one hears me.

I'm all alone.

The pain is everlasting.

Suddenly everything fades away, and turns to black.

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