Ch 2 - Prisoner

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Estrella's POV

I open my eyes to see a pink man standing over me.

"Hello." I say calmly. I need to stay in control of my feelings. I don't know why—but something tells me to.

"Hi. My name is Gumball, Prince Gumball." The man says confidently.

His boastful voice made me weary about if I like him or not. After all he said it as though Prince was a good title, when in reality it symbolized a snooty, uptight, money-hog who thought they were better than everyone else. But I don't know him, so I'll give him a chance.

"Where am I?" I said slowly, still trying to mask my fear of my dream—or whatever that was.

"You're in my castle."

Suddenly I noticed my surroundings. I was in a light pink room. It looked as though it was made of candy—especially the bubblegum pink walls, the peppermint red and white bad that she was currently on. There was also, the obvious, bubblegum Prince a.k.a. Prince Gumball.

"Where are you from?" he said.

"I . . . don't remember. . ." Why can't I remember anything???

"What is your name?" he tried to get more information out of me.

"I don't rem—I don't have to tell you anything!" I said suddenly realizing that I was being interrogated.

"At least tell me what you dreamed about? Why were you screaming??" he asks.

"NO!" I say a little too quickly. Regaining my calm manner I say, "Unless you intend to send me to the dungeon, I don't have to say anything."

"You will answer me or I will send you to the dungeon!" he suddenly snapped.

Immediately I decided that I didn't like him.

"Is that a threat?" my voice eerily calm even for me.

"If you take it that way then yes." He tried to match my perfect emotionless tone—failing miserably.

"Fine, then send me to the dungeon." I was careful with my words, trying my hardest to fill each word with as much spite as possible.

"Fine, I WILL" he stated angrily.

Suddenly I realized that there were two banana body guards enter the room. I don't know HOW I could have missed them being in the room. They stood now behind me. After a quick evil glare that I send to Prince Gum-whatever, Gum-boy says "Send her to the dungeon."

"Bye Gum-boy, Ohhh Sorry I meant PRINCE Gum-boy."

Marshall Lee's POV

I don't understand how I'm so bored.

There has to be some way for me to have some fun.

Maybe I should mess with Gum-wad and release some of his prisoners or something. Anything is better than this sense of boredom.

Flying high, so as not to be seen, I approach the dungeon.
Maybe this will actually be fun.

Estrella's POV

Great job, Estrella you got yourself thrown in the dungeon. least I'm away from Prince Gum-boy

The guards finished throwing me in my cell, leaving me to contemplate why I was even in here.

Ohhhh wait that's because I let my emotions guide my actions.

I don't know why but I know that my instincts tell me that I need to be careful with my emotions.



What was that? It sounded like a person, ohh right—I'm in a dungeon of course there are people here.

But what was that rustling sound. Turning around I made note of my surroundings. I was in a grey colorless room, with walls of stone and the only other thing in the room was a small straw cot lying on the ground.

Unconsciously I notice that the room is small. Unbearably small. I could almost feel the walls closing in on me.

I feel pressure on my shoulder.

I turn around quickly but nothing is there.

I feel my heart quickening its pace. It wasn't the walls. The room isn't any smaller. It wasn't the walls that touched me. I'm trying to calm myself down—and failing of course.
"Is someone here?" I ask into the empty room, my calm robotic voice hiding my fear.

I am praying that someone answers. Maybe then I'll stop imagining the walls closing in...Pressing close to me from all sides—

There's no answer.

Subconsciously I begin muttering, "someone's here, someone's here, someone's here—it's alright because it's just someone who's here..."


My muttering stops. I turn to see a boy with black hair and grey skin. He has two fangs poking out on his bottom lip. His eyes stare at me as if expecting me to be frightened but I'm not. Now that my trance has been broken I feel fine.

"Are you okay?" he asks sounding worried.

"Depends," I say confidently, "are you with Gum-boy?"

He chuckles softly. I have no idea why. I am very serious.

After seeing my serious face he bursts out laughing.

"You—Think—I'm—With—Gum-wad—ME!!!" he says between breaths.

"So you're not?" I ask hopefully.

"Never—Who are you?" the boy sops laughing as if he just realized that he's in a jail-cell with a girl he doesn't know who happens to dislike the Prince.

"I—" I guess I can tell him my name, "My name is Estrella."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Marshall Lee the Vampire King."


"What?" he replies.

Opps I didn't mean to say that "Uhhhhggggghhhh... You're another PRINCE!"

"I'm not a Prince, I'm a King!" he snapped.

"Well then, we'll see how different you are from Gum-boy." I say angry at him for snapping at me.

"Do you want to get out of here—or would you rather stay as Prince Gum-wad's prisoner forev—"

I interrupt him quickly, "Let's go!"

"You do realize that I could be a murderer, or something. Right?" he seems to enjoy annoying me.

"Yes I do" I reply non-chalantly. After all he can't be worse than that Prince—What did Marshall call him? Gum-wash??? Nevermind.


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