Ch 7 - Interrogation

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Estrella's POV

The cave is still pitch black. Still, my eyes wonder aimlessly looking for Marshall. He has floated away but I can feel the ghostly reminder of where his lips were—placed softly on my neck as he spoke to me.

"Y-Y-You know what I mean." I stutter out. This is so strange, I have never stuttered that badly—or at all.

If only he hadn't dared me to put out my flower light...I wonder if I could find him.

He must be floating now...

"Star." I hear faintly. He must be behind me or something.

"Marshall, what are you doing?" as I say this, I start trying to re-glow-ify the limp buds around us.

"Stop. You got a dare, so you have to keep the flowers off..."

"O—Okay..." I think slowly, "Then ask me. It's my turn..."

"Alright," he says. I can hear the smirk in his voice and it sends strange shivers down my spine. Something is going to happen—but what?!

With his voice floating to me from behind, I hear him say, "Truth or Dare?"

I think about this. I mean dare sounds a little...I don't know... not scary but not very comfortable........

".....Truth...." I say regrettably as I cringe waiting for his response.

"Star," his voice echoed around the 'room'. "What aren't you telling me? Why won't you answer any questions?"

I stand surprised. I mean, of course I knew that I should have explained, but I assumed that he would ask a question or two and be done with it. I guess he wanted me to tell him myself...

"What do you want to know?" I ask defeated at last.

He doesn't answer for a while. It seems he is shocked. Though I can't fathom why...

"Your magic is controlled mainly by your emotions."

It was a statement, not a question. I wait for him to continue. I don't even bother with trying to fib, after all with the little knowledge I have I know that what he said was true.

"You have controlled the sky the weather and created life."

He paused again, so again I don't speak.

"You didn't know what a star was. You don't like Gum-Wad. You aren't afraid of me."

With his last sentence it seemed as though his words were flowing around me. Spiraling through the air and wisping around my head. Of course he kept going, and I thought (once more) that I wished that I hadn't had to turn off the lights. I am too flustered to even try to turn them back on now—I mean flustered by the dark, not Marshall...right?

While I was in my brain-confused-thought-storm, Marshall has paused from his whispering.

"You learn things quickly. You control your emotions. You understand facts that should be otherwise unknown to you."

Crap, he must be talking about the sun incident...Uggghhh.....I mean, I don't really understand HOW I knew the sun would hurt him...I just sorta—did? Great! Now even I don't understand!!!

"Star," it felt as though his breathe was right in my face but I reached out and didn't feel him, "Who are you?" then there was a pause. "Where are you from?" It seems like he managed to speak even softer than a whisper. It was as though his lips weren't moving yet I heard him. There wasn't a single echo from the cave walls reflecting his voice, so while I can hear clearly he must be speaking softly.

"I—" I start to say, trying to give an answer. "I fell from above—I think. It's all really hazy. My name is Estrella, or at least that's what I have been called. I know I heard someone call me that before."

"What if—" he started to say, but was interrupted by my flowers. They seems to create an image in the air of them—Fiona and Cake. They weren't close but they had found the caves entrance. As soon as I saw the image I imagined a sharp wind blowing it and the flowers away. Then it happened, it all was blown away like dust. Then we started to run.

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