Ch 4 - Sunlight

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Fionna's POV

Finally my 'mission' is done. I hate that Gumball gives me the lamest jobs and then calls them 'missions'. But at least I'm done washing the EVERYTHING off! I had been given the 'mission' of returning all of Aaa back to its normal color.

I wonder where the girl went.

Gumball just informed me that there was a break in the dungeon and the girl escaped. What he failed to mention was WHY the girl was in the dungeon to begin with!!!

Of course I asked him but he gave me a look saying don't press, so I didn't ask again.

Now I have to find the girl.

I wonder where she could be.

I mean who would break into the candy dungeons and Why??

I mean who has such a grudge against Gumball as to break int—

Why didn't I think of this before??

Who has SUCH a grudge against Gumball to break into the dungeon, Why the same one who threw pies at

Gumball last Halloween, the same person who Gumball hates more than anyone else.

Great, now I've gotta find a vamp and a sparkly girl.

Estrella's POV

I slept okay last night.

It was really weird, as though I had a nightmare but then it just disappeared.

I have no idea how. I mean since I've come to Aaa it was as though I've had a nightmare until I screamed and woke everyone up.

Wait. Who's in bed with me??

I slowly turn my head. Ohh. Thank Glomp. It's just Marshall.

Slowly I get out of bed, so as not to wake him.

Slowly I walk into the kitchen.

There is a window in there but it has a large thick curtain over it. Lifting up the curtain I stare at the sun.

I wonder why his only window is covered.

Looking out the window I watched the sun light up the sky, its rays of golden light shining everywhere making everyone like it. Its beauty is overbearing, yet
I can't turn away.

I feel as though the sun is speaking to me. I hear it answering my question.

'He can't touch me. I'll burn him'

I stare at the sun unbelievingly. How can such a wondrous thing, hurt Marshall? Then again maybe he isn't as good a person as I thought. Yet I can't help but to lose some trust in the sun. After all, Marshal is the only friend I've got in this place. Sometimes I wish I could go home but that isn't possible besides. I need to be here. But I wish I remembered everything, instead of these random puzzle pieces that I've been able to gather.

Marshall Lee's POV

I can't help but stare at her.

She's in my 'kitchen' looking out the window.

But that isn't the strange part. The strange part is that she is glittering; it's as if the second the sunlight hit her she had begun to glow.

But even as she is glowing, she seems at conflict with herself.

And angry.

But why?

Too bad I can't walk in there and ask her myself. She's too close to the burning light. Her shimmery skin is confusing me. No one literally glitters in the light.

I'll have to find out what's going on. I can't just hold a fugitive without any questions—Even if the fugitive offended Gum-wad.

Estrella's POV

I have to close the window before he wakes up.

Quickly I close the curtain and turn around.

"Heyy, morning Star." Marshall says, his red eyes looked faintly purple-ish as my eyes adjusted to the darker lighting.

"Star?" I ask, I'm interested in why he's calling me that. Does he know something?

"You know Estrella is Spanish for star. Just thought it'd be easier to call you Star."


"So I have a few questions for you." Marshall takes a few steps closer.

"Sucks for you." I try to calm my beating heart. I mean, I won't let him get any information out of me. That's why my heart is beating so fast, right? "After all, I don't answer questions."

"Well then. I'll wait." I feel suspicious. I thought he'd put up more of a fight than that.

"So, what are we doing today?"

"Well, I thought we'd travel up to this other cave." H speaks as though this is so normal.

"Why?" I can't help but wonder.

"Because I can't harbor a fugitive in my own home. This is the first place they'll come looking for you." And with that he leaves the kitchen.

"Fine, when are we leaving?" I ask fallowing him.

"Now," he says. But all I can think of is the sun—"Wait!!! The sun—"

"What about it?" he says opening the door.

Fast. Lightning. And black sweet, sweet darkness.

Marshall Lee's POV

I open the door and expect to see Star glitter and glow.

What happens instead is I see a shot of lightning fly to the door.

Then I see a sparkly silver puff of smoke.

Then I see Star fall. She falls from the puff of smoke.

The thing I notice most is that it is 2 in the afternoon, and the sun is gone.

The sky is black.

Fully dark,
—except for the silvery crescent moon in the sky.

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