Chapter 1 - Abduction

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Moans. Needles. Yells. Fog.

That was what Klaire Higgins life consisted of since she was captured. She didn't know what was happening most of the time. Her captors liked to keep her bound and shot up with drugs. So she didn't know which way was up and down.
She had been traveling alone around Europe. She finally had enough time and money to go. Something she had wanted to do all her life.

It had been in Paris. She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. That's what she told herself anyway.

It was at night, while she was walking back to her hotel and she stumbled on some guys shoving bound girls into a truck. Most of the women didn't look French and they stumbled around like they were in a haze. Klaire had accidentally tripped over a garbage can, trying to get a better look. Causing it to fall and roll away, making much more noise than she thought a trashcan should make.

Run! Was all she thought.

Turning she started running back down the street as fast as her legs would let her. Still, it wasn't enough. The guy that ran after her grabbed her around the middle. She then felt a sharp pain in the side of her neck. Everything went black.

When she came to, she heard what sounded like two French men arguing. She couldn't see, speak, or move.
Then another man's voice said in English, "The bitch is a virgin. We never come across those. We will go somewhere, where her cunt gets sold at a higher price!"
            Klaire's blood ran cold. Oh god! Human trafficking! How do they know she's a virgin?! Did they examine her when she was out!? She began to shake out of fear. Oh God! Please don't have this happening!
One of the men spoke in French and she felt a hand on her arm. She couldn't stop shaking and then felt a needle in her arm. She tried screaming but the gage in her mouth didn't let her do it.

Weeks or even months passed. She couldn't tell. It was always a haze of drugs. She knew they traveled quite a lot. To where? She had no idea. They always put her out when they traveled. Though she knew they went through brothels. Since she always heard moaning and various other sexual noises.
Then one day through the haze of drugs. She realized she was standing in a well-lit glass cage. She couldn't remember how she got here.
          Looking down at herself she was wearing a pair of skimpy white underwear and bra. She looked around the cage. All she saw was darkness. So she just stood there, not knowing what to do.
Klaire managed to hear a monotone man's voice saying, "A twenty-five year old, virgin woman."
She didn't hear anything after. Confused she walked toward the nearest glass panel. Touching the glass, she tried seeing through it, but all she saw was a very faint outline of a person. I'm being sold! Her hazed mind finally realized. Oh god! Please no! There was a ding and a door opened in the cage. Someone grabbed her arms and she went black.

Softness. Warmth.

It had to be a nightmare, right? She snuggled closer to what felt like a plush pillow. Klaire was going to wake up back in her own bed back in New York City. Her arms felt a little sore and she had a really bad headache but it felt like the best sleep she's had in weeks.
"Advil...," she mumbled as she sat up in the bed.
Her heart sank when she realized, this wasn't her bed. Glancing down at her arms, they were bandaged up and sore. Looking at herself she was glad she wasn't naked at least. She was wearing a quite loose, long black shirt. Lifting the shirt she sighed with relief. She was wearing simple panties and a bra. Surprisingly not a thong or anything skimpy like that.
She didn't feel like she was in a drug haze anymore, which was a good thing. The bad news was she was sold to a person. Sold. Like some slave back in the day.
She started crying. Crying for what felt like hours. Finally catching her breath she whipped her tears away and quickly got out of the bed she was in.
The bed was very modern looking. It was big with a dark grey comforter. The room itself was also very modern looking with a high ceiling. Big and expensive it screamed at her. To her right was a window. Not just a normal window. The entire right wall was practically a giant window.
Walking over to it, she pressed her hands to the cold glass. It was raining, quite hard in fact. The room she was in was high up so she knew it was in a skyscraper of some sort. She then recognized some of the skyscrapers she saw.
It was Seattle.
"I'm glad you enjoy the view," a deep voice said behind her. Yelping, she quickly turned around. Preparing for the worst, she expected some dirty old man.
She was pleasantly surprised to see a quite an attractive, tall, young man on the other side of the room. He stood in front of a pair of open double doors she hadn't noticed.
He was older than her though. She guessed late twenties, early thirties. He had short dark brown hair that was a little messy. She had the feeling it was much more styled and professional looking out in public. Dark intense eyes that she couldn't make out the color from this distance. His jaw was very sharp and angled with high cheekbones. His lips were generous in appearance and stern-looking.
He wore a plain white shirt and a pair of jeans. Though under the casual clothes she could see the toned muscles. His biceps were practically going to tear open the sleeves of his shirt. He looked a little familiar.
She pinched her arm. He may be a very attractive man but he was still a threat.   
Hugging herself she moved further away from him. She gripped her arms tightly so he wouldn't see her shaking. His eyes followed her and she thought she saw him make an expression of pity.
"I'm not going to hurt you. So you don't need to be afraid," he said softly.
She started yelling, "Says the man who fucking bought me! Like...Like some kind of pet!" His expression looked pained then serious.
"Yes, I did buy you. You are my property now. I can do with you as I please but that doesn't mean I least at first," he said, his eyes hovering down at her breasts.
"You monster," she said coldly. He scowled at her and then walked toward her. Closing her eyes, her back to the cold glass. There was a thud on the glass that made her yelp but she bit it back. He had slammed his hands on the glass, Klaire between them. He glared down at her. He had a slight beard, looked like it was just growing in. His eyes were green.
"Yes I am, but that doesn't change the fact you are mine now and you must obey me. Keep in mind I'm the better of two evils. I could have let you be sold to some dirty old man that would have used you like a sex toy every night," he said very strictly and angrily. Blushing, he had a point, but she would still never forgive or trust him.
Sighing angrily he stepped back from her. He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at her. She glared back.
"As your owner. I command you to eat. You were out for three days. It took a little time to have the drugs filtered out of your system. I can tell they didn't feed you well. So please, eat," he said. His voice slowly softened near the end. She did feel weak with hunger. She knew that refusing to eat wouldn't get her anywhere but an empty stomach, so she slowly nodded.
"Does my said...owner, have a name?" Klaire asked.
"Jonathan Franklin," he said bluntly. Her eyes widened, she knew she had seen him somewhere. He was a famous billionaire, owner of some really big company. She saw him in some article called, 'Top Ten Rich Bachelors', or something.
The silence broke when her stomach reminded her that food was mentioned. Blushing deeply she held her stomach. She looked up to see him with a small smile. He definitely looked less menacing with a smile.
Since she was starving her senses seemed to be heightened. She could smell toast; keeping her distance from him she followed the scent. Hearing the familiar click of the toast popping up. Hunger took over and she grabbed the toast, nearly devoured half of one of the toast in a second.
"Don't!" He said sternly. He snatched the other piece of toast out of her hand. Trying to reach for it, he held it out of reach.
"If you eat that fast, you'll just end up vomiting. Eat slowly and I'll give you the other piece," he commanded.
She scowled at him, but she knew he was right. Forcing herself to eat slower, she finished the first slice. It was really good bread too, high-quality wheat bread. He handed the other piece to her; he had put butter on it. She took it and again ate slowly. This time not on purpose, her stomach didn't feel all that great since she finally had decent food in her stomach after a long time.
As she ate she watched him work his way around the kitchen. He seemed very serious, but with this air of loneliness around him. Maybe that's why he bought her, he was lonely. Though she had to admit that didn't make sense and it was a little sad if that was the reason, honestly.
Feeling something brush up against her bare leg suddenly, made her jump, and a small 'oh' escaped her lips. Looking down she saw An orange tabby cat, slim and pretty. It looked up at her and meowed. Looking back up to Mr. Franklin he had an eyebrow raised, looking from the cat to her.
"She must like you, she never does that to're not allergic right?" he asked. Klaire shook her head in response, taking the last few bites of the toast. He handed her a glass of water, she accepted it and drank it. Feeling slightly better than she had.
"Since your fed, come I'll show you to your room," he said reaching for her wrist. Automatically she backed away from him, not letting him touch her. He nodded slightly and motioned her to follow him. She slowly followed him down a small hallway. Stopping at the first door to their left, he opened it and stepped back. She hugged herself and walked into the room.
It was a big room, not as big as the one she woke up in though. It had much more of a females touch to it. The rest of the apartment screamed hot businessmen's man cave. It had a large king-size bed in the middle. Very modern, with a pastel purple comforter, with matching pillows. There were two nightstand tables, an empty bookcase, a dresser, and a desk. All the furniture was made of some kind of dark wood. The room also shared the same wall of full glass as the other bedroom. Water splashed off the glass as the rain got heavier.
To the right of the room were two doors, both open. From what she could see, one was a bathroom and one was the closet with clothes already in it. Her heart sank, was he going to dress her in things he would only like. She hoped not.
"Look around, please. I have to go out soon. You are welcome to the entire apartment. This isn't the Beasts castle where there's some forbidden west wing," he said.
His attempt at a joke was a little sad, especially a Disney one. She smiled slightly to have him feel like he accomplished something. He then pointed at some paper on top of the dresser.
"Since you're my property now, rules and guidelines come with that. I want you to look it over while I'm gone, but I'd like to look it over together when I come back," he commanded. She nodded and decided to go along with this only because she didn't want anything bad to happen now that she was some object that had no real say in anything.
He nodded and walked off back toward his bedroom. Klaire walked over to the papers and at first glance, she saw the words; 'not allowed to go out without supervision or 'must eat three meals a day. She grimaced at the paper and ignored it, opening each drawer in the dresser. Panties, lacy panties, bras, lacy bras, sleepwear, and socks. She was looking for a pair of jeans.
Walking over to the closest, it was a walk-in closet so she searched for the light switch and turned it on. If she hadn't just lost all her God given rights as an American she would have melted into a giddy pool of fangirl. The room was very big and modern, with a large vintage looking full length mirror. The closet wasn't full of clothes which was a good thing, meant she had some input in what she would wear. There were already some dresses hanging up and shoes in the shoe rack. Looking at the dresses, they weren't all that bad. A few on the sluty side, but most were just cute and casual, she nodded in approval. The shoes were mostly high heels of some kind, of various different colors. There was a decent amount of boots and athletic shoes as well. Opening up a drawer she finally found some jeans. Pulling a pair out, she slipped them on. They fit perfectly, almost scarily perfect like it was custom made.
Looking at herself in the mirror, she looked terrible. Her brown hair was messy and her skin was paler than normal. She was normally very voluptuous but...what had happened had thinned her out a little. The jeans were skinny jeans, which made her very obvious pear shape stand out more than usual. She was okay with this; she was always prideful of her wide hips and big thighs.
"You look ravishing," a voice said behind her. She turned to see Mr. Franklin, standing in the doorway. He seemed to transform into a sexy suit model. He had fixed his hair and was wearing an all-black suit, but with a dark blue button-up and black tie.
She had the feeling this man may have been attractive on the outside, but he was also very dangerous and shouldn't be underestimated. Hugging herself she took a few steps back, away from him. His expression turned sad for a second but then turned back to his serious, businessman face.
"Do you like sushi?" He asked, she nodded. He smiles slightly and turned to leave.
"Wait! What day and year is it?" She quickly asked.
"September 18, 2015," he replied. Her body ran cold. She had been missing for over a month. The day she was captured, was August 14. She remembers this because that was the day there was a special event in Paris she had attended and was walking home from. Her family probably thinks she's dead. Her family...her heart tightened.
"I'll be back at around 7:30," he said, he had a look of pity on his face. He then walked away. She heard an open and close of a door, then a click of the lock. She couldn't hold it in any longer, tears poured from her eyes. Her legs gave way and she sat on the carpeted floor next to her bed, crying. Knowing her world and reality will never be the same.

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