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Everyone in Beacon Hills is basically supernatural now - or knows someone who is. Like seriously, it's pretty obvious with the amount of deaths in just this one high school alone. I'm Lisa by the way, currently human, and currently still crushing on the dark haired beauty in my history class. He's called Stiles I should add, I should also add that something has been off with him lately - with what? I'm not sure yet, but I'm going to find out.


AN: So this is my first fanfiction attempt, ever, and it would mean the world to me if anyone actually liked it. So here goes nothing. Also this is not really set at the actual time in the TV show, some of my characters may not be a part of the actual time of void stiles or even the show altogether.

Btw sorry if my updates aren't as regular as you'd like but this is just more of a quick, short attempt to see if I'm actually any good at writing this sorta thing. Anyway, thanks for even clicking 'read', means a lot :) x

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