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What was up with Stiles? Something was definitely off. But for some reason I liked this change in him, probably because this is the first time he's actually noticed my existence.

What came next I was definitely not expecting. From out of the corridor, Scott and Kira burst in, now with an older, dark-haired man whom I'd never seen before, and Lydia, the banshee. Honestly, I had never really liked her, well, for a long time I was... jealous, I guess. She'd had Stiles wrapped around her little finger and never did anything about it. She was beautiful and smart and well, I was, me - with my mousy hair and boyish body, nothing special.

I had no idea what was happening. All four of them had determined expressions on their faces, eyes glued to Stiles. He lent back away from me now, his face darkening as he saw them stride in. The man seemed to look more concerned than the others, even more so than Scott if that was even possible. Something else was in his eyes though, as to what, I couldn't put my finger on.

Scott edged forward, I noticed his nails were elongating as he approached his friend. "Stiles-" He began, quickly to be cut off.

"Stiles?!" The expression on him became awash with a sinister glee. "Stiles isn't here anymore." He further retreated into the darkness. Before I could even process what he had just said, the two werewolves rushed forward, claws at full length now and one with eyes glowing a deep red, the other a bright blue. I had learnt what the colours meant a few days ago from a friend.

The next few moments were quite a blur. As if all at once, Stiles came bursting out of the shadows, throwing Scott to the other side of the room. He crashed hard into various tables and chairs as Lydia rushed to his aid. Next to be thrown was the big built, dark-haired man. I couldn't quite believe my eyes. Stiles, small, skinny, defenseless Stiles was doing this. What the hell was happening?

The man landed at my feet and on instinct I moved backwards, away from him and his blue eyes. I heard a loud slhhh as Kira pulled out a long, Samurai-looking sword. She wasn't going to... no, she wouldn't hurt Stiles. As she drew nearer I heard Scott shout, "Kira, no!" Stiles calmly walked forward towards her, a smirk drawn on his face. Kira looked completely conflicted, unknowing of what to do. Why were they trying to hurt him? What was wrong with him?

Scott was suddenly back on his feet again, pouncing on his friend. However this didn't last long as somehow Stiles had strength, and a lot of it. Scott was once again tossed aside like a rag doll. Between the four of them, no one had done anything to affect Stiles yet, thankfully. They all looked unsure of what to do, as if a million thoughts were speeding through their heads.

They were all stood together now, I don't think they even realised I was still here. The path was clear for me to walk straight out of the room, I took a deep breath and started to head for it. I didn't want to be here anymore. I felt completely out of place, the only human in the room - I was pretty sure Stiles wasn't anymore.

In one swift motion, he was stood in front of me, grinning like a cheshire cat. "Where do you think you're going, Lisa?" If anything, I was more shocked that he knew my name. His tone was challenging and before I could reply he ordered, "You're coming with me." A hint of mischievousness glinted in his eyes.

"You're not taking her anywhere Stiles." Scott bellowed, I'd never heard him sound so powerful before.

"Try and stop me." He laughed, provoking his friends. Before I could register what was happening, Stiles had his arms clasped around me, dragging me out of the classroom, although I wasn't really pulling away. My mind was filled with questions, curiosity burning deep throughout my conscience. I knew he could be dangerous, hell, I'd just witnessed how strong he was, but something urged me to go with him, wherever he was taking me.

Just as we were exiting the - now wrecked - room, the man who I didn't know called out, "What is it that you want?"

Stiles simply replied, smirking, even though he was turned away from the group of friends, "The nogistune feeds off of chaos," He took a moment, "strife," another pause, "and pain."

AN: I wasn't really sure what to do with this chapter, although I hoped you like my slight Sterek hint and I will hopefully including it further in the plot. Maybe just a little.

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