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"Come on class, calm down." Mr Yukimura was trying his best to settle the hoard of students down that were freaking out - mainly those who always seeked attention when these sort of things happened. They weren't necessarily a regular occurrence, however they weren't unheard of either. This was Beacon Hills after all.  I had other things to worry about than the girl who was 'having an attack', blubbering and ruining her, once flawless, make-up.

Stiles was missing.

Scott was the first to react to this and immediately ran out of the classroom, shortly followed by the small, but dangerous-looking, Kira. She was... a katsa... a kistu... I can't remember the name to be honest, something to do with a fox. Thinking about all the many complicated creatures made my head hurt.

As I went to follow, sliding my body between two tables, I heard my mothers voice. 'You promise you won't get involved in anything supernatural? I should have moved our family from this awful town when we had the chance.' I was in two minds. I knew that if I followed, I could be walking into a deathtrap, I was only human after all. But so was Stiles, he was human and he'd survived all this; my thoughts argued amongst themselves, conflicted.

My legs made the decision for me, taking long strides out of the classroom, and into the shadowed embrace of the corridor. Heart beating fast, my breathing slightly harder than usual, I bit my lower lip as I wandered the empty path. Scott and Kira seemed to be long gone. My echoing footsteps were the only things to be heard, other than distant squeals from classrooms dotted about the school.

There was little light, but just enough to see where I was going and what surrounded me. The entire place felt somewhat... haunting. After a few more steps, I heard something. A voice, low and menacing. I couldn't quite make out any words. Curiosity overtaking me, I headed forwards, staying as silent as possible.

The husky voice became louder as I approached the classroom at the end of the corridor, quite a distance from any others actually. As I pressed my back against the wall, next to the open doorway where the voice was resonating from, everything went abruptly quiet. The voice had stopped it's aggressive chanting, I think it had been in another language completely, I hadn't been able to decipher anything.

When I realised that I couldn't just stand here looking foolish, I took a chance and peered my dainty head around the side of the door frame. I inched forward, moving slowly to try and see something. The room was dark, too dark. I could barely make out a few shapes and shadowed figures.

Without realising it, my body had moved into the centre of the doorway. My mind screamed run as I saw a shadow move, but something urged me forward. My dad always said my curiosity would be the death of me, maybe he was right. But there was no point in getting ahead of myself, there was no reason so far that any of what was happening was dangerous.

"Can I help you?" A gruff voice said, sounding almost sinister. As I searched with my eyes to find the source, a dark shape grew in size as he came towards me, I could tell instantly who it was just from the sound of his movements. 

Stiles came into view as he walked into the shrouded light that came from the windows. I could hear my breath quicken just slightly as light seeped through onto his shape. In the shadows, I could barely see his eyes, a small smirk played on his lips as his head tilted slightly. I felt unable to move as he came even closer. "Hm?" He questioned, impatience clear in his tone. 

He was stood directly in front of me now. I don't think I'd ever seen him like this before, looking so... rough. I had to admit it was extremely hot. He seemed to have a certain confidence that I had never seen before, hair messed up and an expression on his face that made him seem almost scary

"I - erm..." I stuttered slightly, my hands idly played with eachother. "I heard voices and wondered if anyone needed help." I lied. 

I felt his hot breath fan my face as he breezily chuckled, "You're scared?" I couldn't really tell if it was more of a statement than a question. 

"No." I answered honestly, slightly defensive.

His grin grew wider as he leaned his head forward, his lips close, brushing against my ear, and sending shivers throughout my entire body. His tone was quiet and excruciatingly seductive, "I can change that."

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