Supernatural Special Team - Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

      10:00 am. Café ‘McCoy’. At the time of the day was not very full. Of all twenty tables only seven of them were occupied. The customers were mostly from nearby offices and if I’m not mistaken there were two men with suits, which certainly were lawyers. On the table at the end of the café stood a woman in tight suit. Her hair was dyed. In brown. No matter how much time will pass. I could not make a mistake. I walked into the café and all eyes rested on me. I passed slowly between the tables and I stopped at the table of woman. She stood up. She looked at me, smiled and hugged me. This provided me the opportunity to see the silver cross that hung from her neck.

-You have not changed, Jess. Neither one day.

-And you become more beautiful, Grace.

-And older. – She laughed and gestured me to sit. – Well? What you wanted to meet me?

-Can’t I see my old friend?

-Both know that you don’t like such sentiments.

-You’re right. When I called you… - I started slowly to pick my words correctly. – I had a client. She is looking for her sister, but was also attacked by monsters.

-You will deal with them. Where is the problem?

-The reason that has led the girl to escape…

-Did she tell you why? – Detective Miles asked with typical cops curiosity.

-No. But you know that I can read the thoughts of everyone. And the reason is… It is not something you would share with anyone.

-Don’t keep me in suspense, Jess! Tell me why.

-The girl was abused. Every possible way.

-From whom? – I saw anger in her eyes.

-Her step-father. And her sister – my client – she betrayed her sister. Something like: ‘Let’s tortured her, not me.’ – I paused for a moment because I was not sure… - She will be dead, I’ll kill the bitch. – I replied while sipping sip cappuccino.

-Do you have evidence?

-No. I now got a case. The bitch probably has thought that if I am a vampire I will accept such a thing.

-Okay. I’ll check. Send me the information you have. I will help you.

-I’m glad to hear it.

      My slime quickly evaporated when in the café became the members of the SST. They saw me and they were not very happy. For the moment, they pretending that they do not see me. Well, I did the same. Grace noticed a sudden change in my behavior. She did not say anything because she was aware of what was my relationship with them. That’s why I told her that I will call her and I left.


     SST joined Grace Miles.

-You know this vampire? – the oldes member of the group asked, he was 60-year-old Carlos Rodrigez.

-Yes, lieutenant. I’ve known her for many years. Please don’t talk bad about her.

-Why not? She is like all… - Taylor Hicks noted,

     Grace was a woman patient. She could bear to be offend, but not her friend.

-But not all vampires saved me from death or worse.

-What do you mean, detective?

-She saved my life when I was a kid. She get me out of the abyss of terror and helped me become what I am now. But you are entitled. She can kill. She makes it when is necessary. But she can also be kind and caring. As in her new case. But of course her client decided to seek her than you.

      Grace left money on the table. She rose and walked away. She did not wait to see the reaction of members of the SST. The truth is that she doesn’t like them much. Maybe because… what they do. And they are rude and arrogant with the cops.

     They are seated at the table and s waitress cleaned it and took they order. While they waiting, the men talked.

-We should check this ‘case’! – Taylor said.

-I can not believe that a human would choose the help of a monster instead to seek us or the cops. – Richard said after that he was silent all the time.

     Yes… They were determined to intervene in my work. Damn them!

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