Supernatural Special Team - Chapter 10

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We raided in the house. There waiting surprise for us.  I counted five zombies and three ghouls. Ghouls? Here? Well, taking into account the cemetery about a kilometer from here and the corruption of that place… It’s not a big surprise. People were hiding in the basement. They were surrounded by these monsters.  For a moment, I really wanted to leave these geeks to finish these… bastards. But I was not alone, and if I’m not mistaken SST are about a kilometer from here. The cops too. Wonderful party will be. Richard began to shoot at them. The monsters come closer to us. I foretaste the battle. My whole body is electric with impatience. Unlike my ‘colleague’, I had not to pretend. And I am quite beautiful in my vampire form as it may sound immodest.

     I crushed the head of one of the zombies in the wall before it was approached. His black blood sprinkled the wall. I looked at the man, but he did not respond.

-The gun does not work in cases with zombies. If you understand me…

     Yes, he understood me. But that was willing to risk his identity to defeat these creatures? It was a matter of complex choices. He figured it out and got angry.

-I know this… Jessica.

      I lifted eyebrows. For the first time he using my name rather than the usual ‘vampire’. This made me smile.

-Don’t be mad. But you’re very touchy. Anyway, I will take care of those here, and you find the people. Do you agree?

    He agreed with visible reluctance. He felt his unbridled desire to fight and kill at least some of the monsters. He felt a desire that could not quench. But I could. Probably he was very jealous at this point.

-Relax, Richard! Will be fun for both of us. The thought of this turns me on. – I teased him and that my pleasure.

     I cleaned his path to be able to pass. He went to the basement, and I enjoyed the killing. However, it was a bit odd that these creatures are here. They should not be able to come. They should not to attack living people. But who cares when I can play with them. Of course, I made some sacrifices. My clothes were rags. I had a few injuries. Its sucks when you tear a zombie and the pieces of it still trying to get their hands on. For this I had to use and energy. They are lit, but the fire only destroyed the target. I was angry, because several of the monsters were able to escape. I reviled.

     A few minutes later came the team of SST and cops. I already knew Lieutenant Rodriguez from SST and the detective Miles…

-What is happening here? Neighbors called… - Grace asked.

-You can see. – I mentioned the burning corpses. – Mr. Edwards is with humans.

-Richard?! – Mr. Rodriguez asked.

-Yes. – I smiled.

     Through the door from inside the house appeared the cop and the three others. Peyton saw me. She rushed up to me and hugged me. She cried.

-I was so scared, Jessica!

     I felt a strong desire to hit her or at least tell her something rude enough to hurt her. I did not do it. And this bitch does not shrink from me. Like I’ve been meaning to her life. Then an old man approached.

-So you’re a detective who is hired from my daughter?

-Yes, Mr. Summers. – I do not stretch out his hand. – Is there someone hurt?

-No! – Robert Summers replied.

     He was tall, aging man. Unlike the girls, he does not represent anything in particular. But in the end they had no blood relation. He had white hair and shaper beer belly. Must have been quite sporty in his youth. He does not beat the eye. His clothes were clean and tidy, although in places have visible stitching cloths. His eyes were blue and cold as ice. He looked me up and down and smiled lightly. I could imagine what he thought this perverted bastard.

     Then I looked at another man.

-And who are you? – I asked bluntly.

     He was younger. About 40 years. His hair was black and short. Or sports or exercising hard physical work, but he looked pretty strong. He reached out his hand and I caught it. Yes… He also participated in the torture of the girl.

-I am Jack Green. Family… friend.

     Friend, huh? If I can I would torture them and executed them right now. But everywhere there were cops, who searching and checked. Boring… Grace came and asked me to leave because they must  interrogate them. I nodded. I went to the door, and Peyton did not want to let me go, but she needs to do it. While I left I looked at Richard. He nodded imperceptibly. Then I left the house.

     You may wonder why I did not specify how I kill the zombies and ghouls. Actually I cannot say it was not exactly a battle. Done too quickly. If I was a human it would be different. But I’m a vampire and move very quickly. I kill instantly. It’s enough to know that I tear them to pieces and burned them. 

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