Chapter 1

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I woke at the time I normally do. Incredibly early. The sun had not yet risen but I had stuff to do.
Rolling out of bed, I picked up a stray leaf that had made it's way into my hair and tossed it away.
Opening my chest near the foot of my bed I decided on my outfit;a lose fitting brown peasant top with dark green cotton leggings that were quite baggy but fit snugly around the waist. I decided on a long dark cloak with a hood. To finish off the look I pulled on a pair of worn out leather boots.
I tied my hair into a plait and fit a few knives in my boot and in my coat.
I tucked a flintlock pistol into the back of my leggings, making sure it was hidden by my the cloak, that fell just below my knees.

I took a quick look at myself in the mirror.
I didn't look too bad.
I had tanned skin and chestnut hair like my mother but I had my fathers light brown eyes.
I put on my mask and turned to leave my home.
I crawled out through the tunnel and checked that the coast was clear before dashing up a tree.
I swung from branch to branch, rather like a monkey till I reached the Merryweather mansion.
The sun was only just beginning to rise as I ran towards the house.
A conveniently placed tree helped me to scale most of the building. Grabbing onto a ledge I swung myself up onto the roof and darted along the edge of the building.
It took me ten minutes to find the room the girl was sleeping in.
She was staying in the tower. I leapt onto her balcony before easily picking the lock on the faded white door.
The door swung open and I crept inside.
Marmaduke had already been, as there was a plate of biscuits and a glass of milk balanced on the edge of her bed.
I decided to pay him a visit later as I hadn't in a while.
Marmaduke and I had met when I tried to steal some bread from his kitchen. We soon became friends and I would visit him every so often. He would usually give me food when I visited, often testing out his latest cookery creations on me.
I also noticed that Loveday had been too, as a beautiful red dress lay draped across the armchair.
I made a mental note to say hello to her as well.
'Huh. Looks like I'm late to the party!' I thought to myself.
I noticed a book in the corner of my eye. It was quite large and old, and the cover was decorated with pearls.
I grabbed the book and made my way towards her desk, grabbing a biscuit as I went.
Sitting down and the intricately decorated desk I opened the book an began skimming through, nibbling on the sugary treat as I went.

The story told of a young woman who was blessed by the earth. One day the moon gave her a set of pearls with amazing powers.
The woman was to be married and she revealed the pearls at her wedding. Both sides of the family (the De Noirs' and the Merryweathers') became consumed with greed and began to fight over the pearls.
The princess laid a curse upon the valley before vanishing completely.

It was nothing I hadn't heard before.
The girl on the bed began to stir as more light filtered in through the window.
I sprang up from the chair and bound outside, shutting the door as best I could as it wasn't made to shut on the outside.
I heard the girl stretch and get up.
I nearly hit myself when I realised I let the book open on the table along with a half eaten biscuit.
I heard the thudding of footsteps and quickly clambered onto the roof just above the balcony.
The doors were flung open and the girl stepped outside, looking around for the person who had been inside her room.
I ducked out of sight when she looked up at the roof.
Peeping back over I was relieved to see she had gone back inside.
My gaze wandered over to the edge of the forrest and I caught sight of a figure dressed in red and black leaning against a tree.
I growled under my breath. Stupid De Noir boy! It was the same one from yesterday.
He noticed me and gave me an icy glare. I returned the disdainful look before turning and dropping down onto a lower roof out of his sight. It was the roof of the terrace for Marmaduke's garden.
I kept down and landed nimbly on my feet.
I gave a slight knock before waltzing in the open door.
"Hey Marmaduke. It's just me!" I yelled.
A little head popped up from the other side of the room.
"Aah! Just in time for breakfast!" Marmaduke popped up next to me.
"How's my favourite forrest warrior this morning?" He asked, popping up again further away from me, whisking something in a bowel.
"Pretty good thanks Mar. How about you?" I asked politely. Although I had known him well since the age of ten I believed it was always good to be polite.
"A lot better now that you are here!" He exclaimed, popping up somewhere else to chop some carrots.
"I have a new breakfast that I need you to try!" He exclaimed in delight.
He whizzed around a bit more before coming to a stop next to me, a plate in his hands.
I sat down at the table and he set the food I front of me; a small stack of pancakes with a dollop of cream, piled with fruit and honey.
I licked my lips in delight. This looked amazing!
I made my way through it slowly, savouring each bite.
When I was finished I made my way over to the sink and washed it clean.
"What do you think little warrior?" Marmaduke asked, still darting around.
"It was amazing!" I replied truthfully. "Maybe a little more fruit though." I suggested.
He nodded and took a quick note down.
I stayed for a bit longer and helped to clean the dishes. I always felt indebted to Marmaduke's kindness and wanted to repay him wherever I could.
He was the only one who knew everything about me, and my tribe being killed off by the De Noirs.
Suddenly, I heard the sound of footsteps and ran into the garden. Scaling the wall, I leapt onto the roof. Turning to look back I saw the young girl fall through the door.
Suppressing a laugh I waved goodbye to Marmaduke and let him deal with the surprise guest on his own.
Scaling the building again I clambered down the same tree and walked back into the forrest.

The Angel of Moonacre(Robin de noir X OC)Where stories live. Discover now