Chapter 5

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The next day I woke up early to go hunting before I... well, basically stalked Maria for the whole day.

I wore my warmer sheepskin leggings and a plain brown cotton top. As usual I applied my tribes traditional red berry markings along my cheeks and on my chin.
I tucked a hunting knife in my waist-band as well as bringing my bow and a full sheath of arrows.

As I crawled through the tunnel I smelt the sweet, earthy smell of Autumn. I knew it was verging on the beginning of Winter so I would have to stock up on food it I wanted to survive.
I finally reached the entrance to my little cubby cave and swiftly stood up and stretched out, feeling my joints crack.
The fallen holly leaves pricked my feet but my soles were tough as I was used to walking without shoes on.

I headed more towards the edge if Moonacre, where there were less people to distract me and scare away any food.
After a few minutes of trudging through the forrest I reached the gate.
I decided to sit atop the sturdy stone arch so as to see more of my surroundings.

I reached the top of the arch and sat down swiftly, keeping my bow at the ready.

After a few minutes of waiting I finally spotted something, a rabbit.
It wasn't moving, just sitting and munching on some grass.
I slowly lifted my bow and aimed an arrow at the rabbits chest.

Jut as I let it fly, it scampered off and my arrow hit the ground with a sharp thunk.
I cursed and turned to see why the rabbit had been disturbed. Maria.
She was running, as fast as she could in that hugely impractical dress of hers, towards the gate with a large travel bag in her hand.

She reached the gate and I ducked out of sight. I could hear Maria huff and the sound of metal straining and knew she was trying to lift the gate.

All of a sudden she gave a sigh if defeat and I hear her storm away.
Peering back over the edge I could see her briskly walking along by the wall in an attempt to find an exit.

I would have to follow her, wouldn't I. I though to myself
I ran along the wall but jumped down when Maria ran further into the woods.

I recognised the area, this was where Loveday lived.
As Maria neared the entrance of Loveday's cave I made the mistake of standing on a particularly brittle twig.

A loud snap echoed around, making a few birds fly away in surprise.
Maria spun around and I ducked behind a tree to avoid being seen.

"H-hello?" She stuttered.

I heard a sharp scream. Peering from behind the tree trunk I gave a sigh of relief when I saw Loveday beckon Maria into her home.

I decided to stick around the area just in-case.
I tired on my heel and went back to hunting. Within an hour I had killed, cooked and eaten a rabbit for my breakfast.

Feeling a lot better on a full stomach I decided to go back to Loveday's cave to see if they were ok.

As I was walking back I noticed two figures making their way towards De Noir land.
Maria was leading whilst Loveday was lagging behind, muttering to herself unhappily.

I had spoken a bit with Loveday and I knew about her past and how it upset her.

Just as the castle came into view, Loveday turned and fled, back towards her home.

Maria yelled at her to come back but she was long gone.

I hoped Maria would turn back, but I knew she wouldn't.
Unfortunately I was right, Maria turned back towards the castle and carried on walking towards it.

I was torn, I knew Loveday was probably having a panic attack back in the safety of her house, but my main priority was Maria.

Trusting my gut I followed Maria right to the edge of the castle gates.
I waited till she was further ahead before trying to follow her.
Just before I climb the hill towards the gate, a group of rather drunk men wobbled up towards the guard, singing obnoxiously.

I ducked on the other side of the wall until the out of tune singing had faded away in the wind.

I peeked back over. Damn, Maria was already gone and the guard was back at his post.

I ran along the outside of the wall till I found a good place to climb. I left my bow and arrows at the base of the wall and began the climb.

I scaled it in no time and quickly jumped over and crouched low so as not to be seen.

I saw the back of Maria's bustle disappear round the side side door to the main hall.
It was around lunch time now, so the hall would be packed.

A couple of guards noticed her, probably due to the bright colours she was wearing, and followed her in.

'Well this isn't good.' I thought to myself.

I ran along the edge of the wall, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.

Suddenly I heard a shrill scream. I jumped into action, as I ran through the doorway I unsheathed my dagger.

I caught sight of the two men who had a firm grip on Maria's arms.
I plunged my knife into the first mans shoulder blade and gave it a twist.
He screamed and fell to the floor.
I swiftly disarmed the second guard by kicking his weapon out of his hand.
I slashed at the man but he dodged it and ran away.

I snorted. What a wuss.
I grabbed Maria's hand.

"Run!" I yelled and she scrambled up.
We turned to flee but were stopped by about five guards blocking our exit.

They held large spears and forced us down the stairway.

I pulled Maria behind me and brandished my bloody dagger threateningly.
We slowly backed further and further away as more and more De Noirs began to circle us.

I heard some of them jeer at us but I just snarled in response.

"Come on girls, don't you want to play?" I heard Robin laugh.
I couldn't tell weather he meant it or if he was acting.
I hoped it was the latter.

"Well well well. What have we here?" Coeur De Noir wobbled towards us, his usual shit-eating grin plastered onto his face.

I felt Maria being torn away from my side. I turned and saw she was pinned against a man, who held a knife to her throat.
I saw a stray tear trickle down her chin.

"Put the knife down Cuyen and the girl lives." He pronounce the name with disgust.
I let the knife fall the the floor with a clatter.
He sneered. "Tie her up, she's dangerous." I felt my hands being tugged behind my back and thick rope bound them together.

Coeur De Noir turned towards Maria.
"You however couldn't hurt a fly!" He laughed, roughly wiping the stray tear away.

She flinched away from him and we were both forced to our knees.
She tore her right hand away from where it was being held and presented the pearl incrusted key to him.

There were several deep laughs from the circle of people surrounding us.

"Oh. What is this? The lost key gentlemen, because the evil De Noirs have had the moon pearls hidden away all this time. Haven't we?" He smirked.

She opened her mouth to retaliate but I decided to just save us a long conversation.

"They don't have them Maria. They never did." I sighed, suddenly feeling utterly defeated.

"Do you know where they are, little orphan?" He asked.

I bristled at the insult.
"Of course I do." I smirked. "No way I'm telling you though!" I grinned, feeling rather happy as I saw his expression turn sour.

"I guess we'll just have to beat it out of you!" He growled.

"Take her away, I want to have a conversation with the little moon princess here." He grinned wickedly.

I jumped up and ran at Coeur.

"YOU HARM A HAIR ON HER HEAD AND I WILL MAKE YOU SUFFER!" I yelled as I was dragged down the hallway, towards the dungeons.

The Angel of Moonacre(Robin de noir X OC)Where stories live. Discover now