Chapter 9

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Astina's pov==>
I could vaguely feel the sting of my wounds being cleaned. It was enough to partially rouse me from my hazy slumber. My eyes fluttered briefly but remained shut, everything everyone was saying would sharply tune in and tune out again, leaving my head reeling. I could hear my heart thud loudly in my chest and my throat felt dry from lack of water.
The sting from the stitches became sharper and I cried out in pain. The blood loss combined with the alcohol had partially numbed the pain, allowing me to rest for a few seconds before the pain would came back sharp as ever. Like a kick in the chest. With a knife. 
I would scream out again and again as this cycle repeated itself.

Suddenly everything stopped, for good. I was buzzing from the pain that had been ricocheting through my body. I felt a small hand slowly stroke my hair as a soothing gesture.
I attempted to acknowledge Maria's actions by murmuring a thank you, Maria must have assumed I was in pain because she continued the stroking at a slightly faster rate.

Deciding I was too exhausted to respond I gave in and let myself fall asleep.

I couldn't have been asleep more than half an hour because I was gently awakened by the sound of some one talking. I shifted uncomfortably, my back drenched in sweat.
Everything was still incredibly hazy and I had trouble making out what was being said.

"I just want.... how sorry I am... twice now I've let you down.... was an arrogant prat. I am an arrogant.... I'll change for you Astina.... make it better, just like when we were kids."

Robin! When I woke up he was getting a punch in the face with a brick.
I tried to focus more on his words but it was still quite hard.

"I'm such a bad friend. I was convinced you didn't remember me.... you looked indifferent when you saw me. I'm.... It was all my fault. I never told.... you must've known.... would've played again or met up.

"Not that father would've let me, he only let me into the forest.... he was convinced you were all dead."
His words began to blur and I didn't have enough energy to pay attention.
A wave of mild nausea overcame me and that was the last thing I could remember.

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