Chapter 4

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As I ran away from the mansion and into the forrest I felt a weight lift off my shoulders.
It was great to have finally told someone about what had happened.

I darted behind a tree when I noticed someone walking through the woods.


I scampered up the tree and decided to tail him. I jumped from branch to branch, making sure to keep silent.
He stopped all of a sudden.

"I know you're up there little warrior. Come out and play!" He laughed.
Deciding there was no use in hiding I jumped down in front of him.

"Well, I'm right here. Aren't you going to kill me De Noir?" I sneered.

He gave me a dark look.

"I want answers. My father won't tell me anything about you or your tribe. I want to know who you are." He demanded.

"Well. Looks like your darling father has his dirty little secrets too!" I glared at him.

He didn't say anything but looked at me with a raised eyebrow. He clearly wasn't going anywhere till he got his answers.

"Your father is directly responsible for the murder of over 100 people and the obliteration of my clan.
He seemed to have the idea we had those stupid pearls and decided the best way to get them would be to demolish anything in his path."

He frowned.
"My father wouldn't do that."

"Well your fathers a murdering scumbag!" I hissed.

"T-They probably deserved it." He attempted to counter the argument.

"We didn't even have the stupid pearls." I let the tears stream down my face and slid down the trunk to the base of the tree.
I squeeze my eyes shut, I hated crying I front of people. It showed weakness.

I felt a pair of hands rub my shoulders soothingly. I looked up to see Robin sitting crouched down in front of me, a look of sorrow and worry etched onto his face.

"I'm so, so sorry about what happens to your family. I promise I'm not like that." He wiped away a stray tear and helped me to my feet.

I couldn't hold it in any longer. I wrapped my arms around his waist and began to cry silently, my face buried in the crook of his neck.
He began to stroke my hair and let me cry.

We stood like that for ten minutes; me crying and him soothing me.
I pulled away with a final sniffle and wiped my eyes dry.

"S-sorry. I ruined your jacket."

He chuckled.
"It's ok, it's just a jacket." He gave a lopsided grin.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked.

He though about it for a few seconds.
"I guess I don't hate you as much as I do the Merryweathers. We never really talk about the Cuyen tribe. I suppose people realise attacking you was wrong and try to cover it up.
I guess my father won't admit he doesn't hate you because he's too proud.
But I don't hate you, you've done nothing wrong." He smiled, looking unsure.

I guess I understood that.
"Well... Thanks for that. I needed it. That was ten years worth of tears out in ten minutes!" I chuckled humourlessly.

"I don't suppose you want to be friends do you?" He asked, extending his hand.

I nodded. I didn't have any friends except maybe Maria, so I liked that idea.
"Sounds like a plan." I agreed, shaking his hand.

There was an awkward silence before Robin grabbed my hand and began to lead me through the forrest.

"Come on. I want to show you something."
I followed him warily, still not quite sure if I could trust him.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he continued to tow me along.

"It's a surprise, but hopefully it'll cheer you up." He smiled at me.

After a few minutes of walking we reached a clearing and in the middle sat a beautiful waterfall that flowed into a crystal clear pool.

"I've never seen water this clear!" I scooped up a handful of water and let it trickle through my fingers.

Without much hesitation I dived into the water, shivering slightly at the coolness of it.

I swam up to the surface to see an amused looking Robin standing by the edge of the lake.

"Aren't you coming in?" I asked, slowing bobbing around on the spot.

He chuckled.
"No, you're alright."

I shook my head.
"Wrong answer!" I grabbed his ankle and dragged him into the water.
He fell in with a loud splash.

A few seconds later he resurfaced, spluttering like a fish out of water.

I laughed at his horrified expression.
He turned and glared at me.

"Oh you've done it now!" He began to over to where I was.
I dived into the depths of the pool and turned, pushing off from the bottom I shot up out of the water on the opposite side of the lake to him.

I laughed and waved before jumping out of the pool and onto the grass.

I began to jog away from him when I was certain he was following me.

All of a sudden I felt the wind being knocked out of me as I was tackled to the ground.

Robin flipped me over so he was sitting on top of me and began tickling my sides.

I shrieked with laughter.

"R-Robin! Stop it tickles!" I whined.

"That's the idea!" He replied cheekily.

After a few more minutes of the torture he stopped.

"Err... Robin you can get off me now." I turned bright red when I realised he was still straddling my waist.

He turned bright red too and quickly stood up.
He extended his hand and helped me up.

"Thanks." I smiled at him.

I suddenly noticed how close together we were and we were slowly inching closer.
I realised we were probably going to kiss and my brain got into a tangle.
I wasn't sure I wanted to kiss him. He was a De Noir and I had tried to kill him the other day.
On the other hand he was funny an kind and extremely attractive.
He had made me laugh for the first time in almost ten years and he clearly wasn't the same as his father.

Our lips were almost touching when the sound of nearby laughing reached our ears.

Robin sighed and moved away.
"That's probably my friends. They'll be looking for me." He turned away.
"It's a shame, I really wanted to kiss you." He winked at me and turned away to leave and the more I though about it the more I realised I wanted to kiss him too.

"Robin!" I called out, running over to him.
He turned and I pressed my lips to his briefly before turning and clambering up a nearby tree.

A few seconds later his friends appeared over the hill.
"Robin! Where've you been? We've been looking everywhere for you!" They all cheered.

"What are you grinning about you idiot?" One of them asked.

"Nothing." He chuckled and walked away with his friends.

He looked over to where I was hiding and winked at me.

I smiled and ran back home.

The Angel of Moonacre(Robin de noir X OC)Where stories live. Discover now