Chapter 9 ~ You Need Me

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"I think I might need to go back."

"Oh? Is she ok? I thought you said things were going well?" Aaron asked his wife. She just got off the phone with Willow on their daily call.

"Yes, she says she's ok but I'm still worried. She's been sick everyday. She can't keep much down and she's lost weight. Maybe I will go stay with her until she moves to the new place." Maria is in his arms talking into his shirt.

"Sounds bad. What have the doctors said? Maybe it's just temporary. Can they give her anything for it?"

"They offered to prescribe her something but she refuses to take it. They said it's not uncommon in her condition and may pass as time goes on."

"Well, let's give it some time. A few days and if it continues, I agree, you should go be with her. She shouldn't go through this alone."

What they didn't know was that Zak was standing outside the room. He needed to speak with Aaron about something and overhead their conversation. Whatever he needed to speak to Aaron about immediately was forgotten as the concern took over. He quickly and quietly retreated and made plans to find her and get to her.

2 days later....

I've really gotten attached to this porcelain toilet. I think to myself as I grasp the rim and focus on breathing. I'm just waiting for the nausea to pass. If the past few days were any indication I have at least another hour of this. The doctor said this should go away after I reach my 2nd trimester. That was a couple weeks away and I just can't wait. The nausea has passed enough for me to reach for the water bottle and I take a few gulps of it. I've found that if I drink the water, it gives me something to actually throw up and it is better than dry heaving.

I hear the doorbell ring and whoever is on the other side is going to get it. They are punching it over and over. I gingerly get up and move towards the living room so I can get to the door.

"The building better be on fire for you to be ringing my bell like-" I stop talking as I yank the door open and have the shock of my life.

I expected a friend or my agent or a firefighter or anyone but Zak.

"Wha-" I'm cut off again when he brushes by me and I turn as I shut the door.

"What is going on? What illness do you have? We'll get the best doctors on it. We'll get second or third opinions."

"Zak, calm down-"

"I will not calm down. Why didn't you tell me when we last spoke? Did you think I wouldn't want to know?" He looks offended.

"It's none of your business, really. It's not up to me to tell you! I'm fine so go away!" My voice is rising on every word. Of all the nerve.

"What is it? Cancer? A tumor? What? Tell me and I will handle it. You've lost weight and your white as a sheet."

On cue, the next wave of nausea arrives and I'm running past him and his arrogance to donate my stomach contents. I feel my hair being pulled back and a reassuring hand stroke my back.

"Please, leave me to die in peace." I'm being dramatic and don't realize the effect my words have. I assume he has some sort of knowledge of morning sickness and will understand I'm just being miserable.

"No, Willow. God no. You're not going to die."

"Ugh. Just go awa-" And I continue to retch.

"No. I won't leave you. Not until we beat this. I'll be with you every step of the way."

"Yeah, how will your fiancé feel about that. Stop kidding yourself. You yourself said you're a busy man. Go home. I've got this handled."

"Forget her. You are my concern. Where are your wash cloths." I tell him and he returns with one and douses it with cold water and mops at my face and forehead. Things with my stomach have seemed to settle for the moment and when he realizes that, he lifts me gently and takes me to my bed.

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