Chapter 17 - Mixed Signals

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I apparently fell into an emotional exhausted sleep afterwards because the next thing I'm aware of is him kissing my cheek telling me we need to join the others for dinner. We don't speak as we get dressed.

I barely spoke during dinner except to assure Maria I wasn't still in a snit. I totally was but it wasn't in me to keep her worrying about me.

I make my excuses and go back to my princess canopy bed and fall back to sleep.

I wake up when Zak returns to me and makes love to me again.

Still, we don't speak.


"You are dilated to a three and about 30% effaced." Dr. Spirits tells me as he pulls off his latex gloves and places then in the trash.

"You could go another two to three weeks before any more improvement but with multiples it's usually not as long as a single birth. I want to know if you experience any bleeding, cramping or you think your water has broken."

"Ok." I'm uncommonly calm.

"Get lots of rest and don't do anything too strenuous. Let's let nature decide when it's time. Ok?"

"I've gotten really good at doing nothing." I grumble but he just smiles reassuringly.

He opens the door and motions Maria in and tells her the latest. She looks like she's going to faint.  She swings her head toward me. I'm still lying on the exam table with the sheet over my lower half.

"It's happening. It's really going to happen." She shuts the door and I sit up.

"Yeah, Maria. It's kinda what we've been doing here for the last few months." I joke softly.

"I know but now it's so much more real."

I point at my underwear and pants and she hands then over. I'm just pulling the elastic part up and over my huge belly when there is a knock. Maria looks to confirm I am decent and answers it. It's Aaron.

"Come in, Aaron."  He steps in with a questioning look after he sees Maria's face. I motion between Maria and Aaron, silently giving her the ok to update him.

He stalks to her and lifts her up and spins her around kissing the daylights out of her.

"It's gonna happen!"

"I know! That's what I said!" She says joyfully back to him.

They turn to me and their thankful expressions melt my heart.

"I know. I know. I'm pretty awesome. Just remember that when I'm trying to kill you during labor."  I set away from the table and head for the door. As I open it to leave I see they are hugging again and whispering to each other. I leave them to it and step out into the hallway. I guess I expected Zak to be there like he always way but he isn't. So I make my way to the kitchen for a snack. I run into Michael and give him the update and he's all smiles. I should make me feel better but it doesn't.

The doorbell chimes and I slowly go to answer it. It's Alexis and her crew and I let them in but the last person to enter the house has me cringing.

"Willow. I hope it's ok that I am here."

"Will. Umm. Yeah, it's fine. Unexpected but it's good to see you." I turn to Alexis with a 'WTF?!?' look and she sheepishly shrugs.

"Well, come in and get comfortable. Lord knows I can't."  I lead them or waddle them rather, to the formal living room.

It's Alexis, her latest boy toy, another couple I remember from before. And then there is Will. Yes there was an attraction but I'm hardly in the shape of my life.

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