Chapter 16 ~ Holding Someone Else's Man

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I cannot snap out of this weird, poor me funk I'm in. I'm fat, I have no energy, my face is puffy, my ankles are non existent. Then add on even more puffiness from crying. Oh and the red eyes. I'm burning up all the time and I can smell things from 50 feet away. Which rarely is a good thing. Usually it's someone that has liberally doused themselves in the grossest cologne or perfume. If the trash hasn't been taken out quick enough. Stuff like that.

So, I am currently pouting as I lie in the hammock I had Zak order me. Pouting about what, I couldn't tell you but I didn't really care. I'm also in a swimming suit. It technically was a bikini prior to the massive growth attached to me took over my poor body. It got a sheer wrap on top of that but it's as close to being naked as I can get. I'm telling you, I'm hot all the time. Apparently woman have more blood or blood flow or some medical mumbo gumbo crap and that's why I am hot all the time.

So I'm pouting, nearly naked in my hammock. One foot on the ground and I'm just swinging back and forth.

"What are you doing?"  Zak says from behind me.

"I'm playing football. What's it look like?" Idiot.

"Maria said you were in a foul mood. She wasn't kidding."

"You tell Maria I'm breaking up with her for talking behind my big fat back. Gossiping hussy." I grumble.

"Move over grouch."

"Fall off a cliff, Not-Noah."

"Who's Noah?"

"Not you."

He lifts me up into his arms and settles back down into the hammock with me pretty much lying on top of him.

"Do you have a death wish?" I ask, snarkily.

"Are you going to poison my food for lying with you?"

"No, idiot. I'm going to crush you."

"Oh, stop. You're hardly big. What's with the foul mood?"

Now it's his turn to leave a foot on the ground and to rock ya back and forth. His hand is on my belly.

"Maybe, I've just had enough of you. You probably should just avoid me."

"Nope. You're stuck with me. Now, what gives. Talk to me, Willow?"

We swing for several minutes in silence. He probably thought I was asleep. I was extremely comfortable and that irritated me too.

"Everything irritates me."

"Do I irritate you?"

"Especially you."



"Yeah. Hmm. You don't seem very irritated lying her with me. You seem sorta relaxed actually."

"Oh, I'm irritated. I'm just being nice and allowing you to hold me. I'm just a nice person like that."

"Hmm. Well, thank you. I needed to hold you."

"So welcome." I say into his arm.

"Most days, I hate you. Did you know that?" I'm so lying. "The other days, I'm certain I'm half in love with you."

"Let me guess. You hate me when I tell you, you can't windsurf pregnant and you love me when I share my licorice with you."

"Yeah. That's pretty spot on." I agree. Of course there is more but I won't clarify.

"Maria told me about last night. That no one would ever love you." That damned Maria. Always flapping her trap. I guess it was kind of a melt down and it probably wasn't hard to overhear.

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