Chapter 12 - No Choice At All

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"Willow! Stop that and go sit back down." Zak snaps at me when I come out to the living room with a small box in my arms.

The moving crew is here and this will be the last day in my condo. I've already give. A key to my friend and he will be moving in next week.

"Zak, would you stop. This weighs like 3 pounds. It's full of scarfs. Give that back!" It's my turn to snap when he rips the box out of my hands and pushes me towards the couch. It's one of the remaining pieces of furniture to be moved.

"Fine. I'll sit. I demand you feed me grapes and massage my feet at the same time." I sit with a harrumph and cross my arms. He's being impossible. The guys hired to help keep glancing between us and mainly staying out of the way.

"I'll go buy grapes.." Aaron says as he heads for the door.

"Aaron. Don't you move! He wants me to act like a princess, he can cater to my needs. You keep helping them load so we can get this done with. Argh. Maria, can I get some help here?"

"Zak, she's fine. Will you leave her alone. I'll keep an eye on her."

"Traitor." I throw her way but she just smiles sweetly at me.

"Boys, that man," I point to Zak, "will give you three an extra $200 a piece to finish this in an hour." That get them moving and an eye roll from Maria.

It worked. Three hours later we were high in the sky on our way to Greece. I decide to attempt to sleep the entire 9 hours. My morning sickness has all but disappeared. Only to turn up around noon with a vengeance. Unfortunately the bedroom door on this stupid plane doesn't have a lock. I'm checked on hourly despite me throwing pillows at Zak.

"Come eat."

"I'll just throw it up. Go away."

"A snack then."

"I'm sleeping. Go. Away."

"You haven't had enough water."

"Fine, bring me a bottle of water and go!" My last pillow sails through the air and misses him entirely.

"Arggghh! Come here." I demand. He walks to the side of the bed and I punch him in his stomach. He doesn't even flinch.

"I hate you."

"You love me."

"You're impossible." Wait, what?

"I'll give you 10 more minutes and if you aren't in the main cabin I'll carry you there and feed you myself." He leaves and closes the door. Shit.

Did he mean it? Do I love him? Nah, he was kidding.


Shit shit shit.

I ignore the niggle in my mind and get up.

I stomp into the main cabin and sit in one of the reclining seats. I grab a magazine and start reading. It gets snatched out of my hands rudely and a plate of fruit is deposited in my lap.

Oooh cantaloupe.

My stomach growls and I look around to see if anyone noticed. They all noticed and I get an 'I told you so' smirk from Zak.

Whatever. I give the strawberries my full attention. I eat nearly everything on the plate but I accidentally fall asleep with a few grapes left. I don't wake up when Maria takes my plate and I don't wake up when Zak lifts me and carries me back to bed. I don't wake up when he replaces the pillow and I don't wake up when he kisses my forehead and strokes my cheek.

When the car arrives and I see we are at the massive estate I'm confused. Aaron has decided he has to oversee the unloading of the luggage and Maria has a 'don't look at me' expression along with a shoulder shrug. So I turn to my number one enemy.

"Why are we here?"

"You don't like it here?"

"Of course I do. I thought I was going to be somewhere else though."

"Why? It's no longer a secret. It's private with enough security for any king or queen. We live here and can remain close. Makes perfect sense for you to take up residence. Plus it's one less cost for Aaron and Maria."

"Spare me. They are hardly rubbing nickels together. I'll pay for it."

"Why are you fighting this? I've had one of the suites completely renovated for you. Come see. You'll fall in love."

It might be too late for that.

"Zak, I didn't ask for this. All I need is somewhere quiet to sit around and gestate and maybe a comfortable bed. What could you have to renovate?"

"Maria says you want to have a natural water birth. Is that still the plan?"

"Yes. And?"

"Come. Let me show you." He holds his hand out and he is so eager I can't refuse.

"Fine!" I growl out but he just chuckles.

He leads me to a wing of the house I've never been to before. I do know, however it's opposite Aaron and Maria's and I also know it's in the direction of his private suite!

"Stop right there. Nuh uh." He tugs me again and nearly has to drag me down the hall. He makes a big gesture of opening a large wooden door and sweeps his hand out for me to enter.

The room is an open floor plan and full of sunshine. Light pastel colors everywhere and overall a very comfortable room. Couches and love seats. A chaise lounge nestled in an alcove with a hug set of bay windows over looking the gardens. French doors would open up to a large shaded terrace. A full high tech kitchen complete with an island and breakfast bar. So far these two rooms are bigger than my entire condo. Well, almost. He leads me through and points out what he has ordered done. It smells like new construction and freshly cut timber.

He leads be to the hallway and opens the second door down. It's a lavish bedroom. More couches and chairs. Big screen tv and area rugs here and there. The bed is on a platform and has a canopy and curtains. A bed for a princess. Me like!

There is a large attached bathroom that is also accessible from the hallway. Two sinks and a large sunken jetted bathtub that could fit a couple people. Separate roomy shower with frosted glass and one of those rainfall shower heads.

"I saved the best for last." He finally says and pulls me to the last room.

I cover my mouth with my hand in astonishment. It was another large room. There is a huge pool or hot tub looking thing covered in tile in every shade of blue with some white throughout. Cabinets cover a small section of the left side of the wall. Gorgeous dark hardwood flooring and neutral colored walls. There is a large bed on the opposite wall. I'm so confused but the room is beautiful all the same.

"It's a birthing chamber. That is a state of the art birthing bathtub with several upgrades I commissioned. It keeps the water at the appropriate temperature and purifies it continuously at the same time. The bed is the highest quality in mattress sets. The reading I've done say sometimes the woman will want to lay down until she is closer to giving birth. Others prefer to stay in the tub. It will be up to you of course. The cabinets are completely stocked with any medical supplies that might be needed."

He's thought of everything. I didn't stand a chance of going anywhere else. He has answered all my silent wants. Even ones I didn't even know I had. Damn him!

"Willow, don't cry. Come here." He pulls me close and I don't say anything.

"Why are you doing this?" I whisper through my tears.

"You are doing everything you can to give them their dream. I'm going to do everything I can to help."

Well. Who would argue with that?

I'm starting to see why he is so successful. He's smart and will stop at nothing to achieve the best. He's creative at finding alternative solutions. I just wish he would apply that to me.

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