Chapter 1

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Me and Jaz hurried to get ready for our concert.

"Hurry up we are going to be late for the concert!" Jaz yelled at me. I returned the favor by sticking out my tongue at her.

"Wow your such a grown up." She rolled her eyes at me.

"Shuddap! It's your fault we're late!" I finished up my makeup and jumped down the stairs.

*at the concert*

"I can't believe you got us V.I.P backstage passes and front row seats!" Jaz had surprised me.

"It was nothin! Believe me my parents had to take some off my college fund to pay for these." I was going to ask her were she found the tickets but the opening band 5 seconds of summer came out and played some music.

Almost immediately I sensed another werewolf. I looked around searching for that person. One of the band members caught my eye. Luke Hemmings. My wolf was screaming mate.

"Jaz!" I yelled to catch her attention.

She looked at me. 'What? Did something happen?' She reached out to me with her mind.

'I think I just found my mate!' She squealed and hugged me.

"Who? What's his name? Do you know what he looks like?" She shot one question at a time at me.

"Luke Hemmings is my mate." I said to her. Her eyes widened. She looked at him and then at me back and forth for awhile before she smiled.

"You have to talk to him!!!" I knew she ment through the mind.

'Hi Luke I'm Nora Grey' Luke's eyes widened and he looked around the crowd.

'I'm in the front row. I have a red flannel on.' He looked down the front row in search of me. His eyes found me a second later.

'I know you must be confused. We need to talk can you get me backstage?' I asked knowing it was mostly impossible for him to.

'Sure come to the blue doors on your right. I'll tell the guard your name and he'll let you in.' I jumped back in surprise. Human mates can't talk back unless they have been with the wolf for atleast six months.

'Shit Luke's the other werewolf I sensed!' His voice was ringing through out my brain.

I looked at the door for what seemed like hours before I saw a guard move to the doors Luke had told me to go to.

"Hi I'm Nora Grey, Luke Hemmings told me to meet him back stage." I hoped this was the right guard. I told Jaz I was going to meet him backstage.

"Come with me Ms. Grey." The guard led me to a door that said 5sos on it. I knocked on the door and waited for entrance.

"Come in Nora!" I heard Luke's voice yell at me. I opened the door and stood for a minute or to before stepping into the room.

"Hey what's up?" Luke came out of what I think was the bathroom. He sat on the couch and patted the seat next to him. I sat down next to him.

"So your a werewolf to?" He asked me after awhile of silence.
"Yea. I was scared shitless when you talked back to me through my mind I thought you were human." I chuckled.

"Hey Luke have you seen my energy dr... Who's this?" Calum came out of the kitchen. He stopped and pointed at me when he saw me.

"Calum this is Nora, Nora this is Calum." Luke introduced us. I shyly waved and bit my lip. Luke leaned back and put his arm around me making me blush.

Luke scooted closer to me and told Calum to come sit by us. 'The rest of the band don't know I'm a werewolf so I'm going to get Ashton and Michael to join us and we can both tell them we're werewolves. Ok?' He mind spoke to me.

'Ok' I replied. Luke got up and went to find Mikey and Ashton leaving me and Calum alone on the couch.

"So are you a fan of 1D's?" He asked.
"Yea there ok, but I like Green Day way better." I laughed. Calum smiled at me and got more comfortable on the couch. We continued talking until Luke came back with the rest of the gang.

I looked at Luke for permission to start talking. He nodded and took my hand in his. I shivered and started talking.

"Hi my names Nora Grey and I'm a werewolf. Yes werewolves and vampires do exist and so do fairies. I'm here because I found my mate." I explained what a mate was to them and waited for there reply.

"Cool! Can we see your wolf form!" Michael asked. I nodded and transformed. I shifted into a giant white wolf with bright emerald green eyes.

"Woah that's so cool!" Ashton laughed. I walked up to him and licked his face. Then I walked over to Calum. He didn't look the least bit surprised. I had a feeling he was like me so I reached out to his mind.

'Calum your a werewolf too!?' I was taken aback by this. 'Is all of the band werewolves or just Luke and Calum?'

'Yea I don't wanna tell the band because I'm scared there gonna kick me out and hate me." He whined.

'Don't worry Luke's a werewolf also and he's gonna tell the band. You should do it to.' I pleaded with him to tell the band. He finally agreed and stood up off the couch.

"I have a confession to make to. I'm also a werewolf!" Calum cringed waiting for disapproval and mad shouting. Nothing happened.

"Damn who else is one besides Nora and Calum?" Ashton asked in shock.

"I'm also one to." Luke stated. He squeezed my hand tightly. I waited for Ashton and Michael to kick us all out but they just jumped around excitedly and asked us questions.

"So wait Nora, you never told us who your mate is?" Michael stopped celebrating remembering what I had said earlier.

"Um... Luke's my mate." I said shyly. I looked at him and blushed. His eyes widened and he didn't say anything. I took it the wrong way and shifted running out of the room and to the stage. 1D was still playing so I stopped at the stairs and shifted back into human from.

I listened to the music while crying. I felt a hand on my shoulder. And I turned around.

"Nora I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you upset."

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